Information for people who have tested positive for COVID-19

The Covid Chronicle

**** NSHA Media Release

Information for people who have tested positive for COVID-19

I’ve tested positive for COVID-19. What should I do next?

As someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, it’s important for you to complete these actions:

  • Self-isolate right away.
    To prevent further spread of COVID-19, it’s important for you to self-isolate right away. For more details, view Coronavirus (COVID-19): symptoms and testing – Government of Nova Scotia, Canada.
  • Ask your household contacts to self-isolate right away. 
    All household contacts (people who you live with) will need to self-isolate until they receive a negative PCR (lab) test result (collected at least 72 hours after the last exposure).
    Some individuals will need to isolate longer depending on their vaccination status and whether they are able to break contact from the person who has tested positive for COVID-19. Please tell them to visit for detailed directions.
  • Reach out to close contacts.
    The significant surge in COVID-19 cases in Nova Scotia has resulted in a backlog in Public Health contacting positive cases and close contacts. Public Health asks that you notify any social contacts. This includes friends, family and anyone with whom you attended a social gathering, event, or extracurricular activities and had close contact during your infectious period.  Please tell them to visit for detailed directions on self-isolation and testing based on vaccination status.
Public Health will continue to be responsible for notifying close contacts in the following settings:​
  • Long-term care facilities
  • Hospitals
  • Corrections facilities
  • Shelters
  • First Nations communities
  • Other congregate (group living) settings
  • Public schools and childcare facilities

What should I expect after I test positive?

Public Health will contact all positive COVID-19 cases by phone within a few days of the text notification to collect and provide further information.
  • Expect a text message from Public Health. 
    People with a cell phone will receive a text notification to confirm you have tested positive. You text message will include information about your self-isolation end date.
    Please note: If you have a landline, you will still receive this information in your call from Public Health. 
  • Register for Public Health’s daily check-in service.
    A link to this service will be included in your text notification.
  • Expect a call from Public Health.
    Public Health will phone you to collect and provide further information and support
  • Expect a call from the COVID Community Virtual Care Team.
    These calls – and calls from Public Health – may show up as an unknown number. It’s important that you answer the phone. A virtual care team member will call you to give you information and tools to help monitor and manage your symptoms at home. They can send you a pulse oximeter. This is a device that measures the percentage of oxygen in your blood. They will also tell you how to use it.
  • Seek medical help if your symptoms get worse by calling 811 or 911.
    Visit for more information about your recovery from COVID-19.

How long am I infectious?

A person with COVID-19 is generally considered infectious (can spread COVID-19 to others):
  • Beginning 48 hours (two days) before symptoms started, or, if no symptoms, 48 hours before the positive PCR lab test (gargle or swab) was taken
  • Ending 10 full days after the start of symptoms (or 10 full days from test date if no symptoms) AND feeling better (no fever and improving).

You need to self-isolate while you are considered infectious to limit further spread.

When am I considered recovered?

You are considered recovered when you are no longer infectious for COVID-19. Typically, this is 10 days after symptoms have started AND you are feeling better (no fever and symptoms improving). For individuals who are immunocompromised or have severe disease (i.e., need to be hospitalized), this period can be longer.
Public Health will provide you with a recovery letter to officially indicate when you are no longer infectious (recovered). You are then able to leave isolation and return to activities as usual.
For the immediate three months (90 days) after you are considered recovered, COVID-19 testing is typically not recommended. If you develop symptoms in these 3 months, you must self-isolate until symptoms resolve.

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