**** Info via Environment Canada
Special weather statement in effect

Significant rain and wind beginning later today.
Total rainfall: 30 to 50 mm. Locally higher amounts possible.
Maximum wind gusts: in excess of 80 km/h in exposed coastal areas.
Locations: Halifax, Digby, Lunenburg, Annapolis counties.
Time span: Tuesday evening through Thursday morning.
Remarks: Rain will begin late this afternoon and become heavy at times this evening, with strong easterly winds. The bulk of the rain will fall on Wednesday with upwards of 30 to 50 mm forecast. The rain is expected to taper to showers with diminishing winds by Thursday morning. When safe to do so, residents should keep storm drains clear of leaves and other debris to help with drainage. Power outages are possible.
Rainfall and wind warnings are in effect for portions of the south shore and may be expanded as this event unfolds.
Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to NSstorm@canada.ca or tweet reports using #NSStorm.
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