Don’t cut your long weekend short by driving impaired

Traffic & Weather

**** RCMP Media Release

Don’t cut your long weekend short by driving impaired

With summer travel and outdoor activities in full swing across the province, the Nova Scotia RCMP is reminding motorists that impaired driving can be the fastest way to spoil the season.

“Police continue to hear excuses about why motorists drive impaired,” says Cpl. Mike Carter, Nova Scotia RCMP Traffic Services. “There are no good excuses for putting your life and the lives of others at risk by driving impaired and the results can be fatal.”

Not only is driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs dangerous, it can also lead to criminal charges and a hefty fine if convicted. Failure or refusal to comply with a demand made by a peace officer for a sample for testing sobriety can also result in criminal charges and have the same penalties as impaired driving.

Here are three things you can do to help keep impaired drivers off the roads:

1. Report Impaired to 9-1-1.

If you suspect that someone is driving impaired driving, pull over and call 911 immediately. Signs of impaired driving can include:

· Unreasonable or inconsistent speed

· Making late or wide turns

· Disregarding lanes, lights, signals, and spacing

· Driving with windows open in cold or inclement weather

2. Host safe events.

If you’re hosting a gathering that involves alcohol or cannabis, make sure to:

· Limit your consumption

· Don’t serve guests who are intoxicated or are becoming intoxicated

· Plan for safe rides home or offer guests a place to stay

· Don’t consume alcohol or drugs with high-risk activities such as boating and water sports

3. Plan ahead.

There are steps you can take to plan ahead if you expect to consume alcohol or cannabis.

· Leave your keys at home. Take public transit, a taxi, or ride sharing service

· Book accommodations nearby or plan to stay the night

· Appoint a designated driver or arrange for someone else to pick you up

We all have a responsibility to keep each other safe on the roads. Reporting suspected impaired drivers, hosting responsible events, and looking out for family and friends are a few important things you can do to help prevent collisions and possibly save lives.

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