Shelburne RCMP is investigating a fatal crash that occurred on Hwy. 203 in Lower Ohio

**** RCMP Media Release Shelburne RCMP investigating fatal crash Shelburne RCMP is investigating a fatal crash that occurred on Hwy. 203 in Lower Ohio. On January 26, 2023, at approximately 1:25 a.m., Shelburne RCMP, fire and EHS responded to a report of a single vehicle crash on Hwy. 203 in Lower Ohio. RCMP officers learned […]

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HRP are advising pedestrians and motorist to use caution due to the current weather conditions throughout the region / Ferry services sustained

**** HRP Media Release Traffic Advisory ​ Halifax Regional Police are advising pedestrians and motorist to use caution due to the current weather conditions throughout the region. ​ Given the current rain and wind we are experiencing, we have received a number of reports throughout the region of loose debris in and around the roadways […]

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Photos and Info – Discover the mysteries under your skin as Body Worlds Returns to the Museum of Natural History

**** Via Museum of Natural History (Unstamped photos via Justina Dollard) Discover the mysteries under your skin as Body Worlds Returns to the Museum of Natural History Body Worlds Returns! The Museum of Natural History is pleased to announce that Body Worlds Vital will open on January 27, 2023. This all new exhibit is even […]

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ZLINE 30-inch, 36-inch, and 48-inch RG gas ranges recalled due to risk of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

**** Recall via Health Canada ZLINE 30-inch, 36-inch, and 48-inch RG gas ranges recalled due to risk of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Issue The oven of the gas ranges can emit dangerous levels of carbon monoxide (CO) while in use, posing a serious risk of injury or death from carbon monoxide poisoning. As of January 17, 2023, the […]

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The Province is providing $5.8 million to help 180 community organizations through the Community Generator Program

**** CNS Media Release Funding for Community Generators ——————————————————- The Province is providing $5.8 million to help 180 community organizations through the Community Generator Program. The program helps groups purchase and install generators at community centres so the centres are able to serve as a gathering space during power outages. “We know how important community […]

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Halifax District RCMP is seeking information in relation to a report of shots fired in North Preston

**** RCMP Media Release RCMP seeking information in shots fired investigation ​ Halifax District RCMP is seeking information in relation to a report of shots fired in North Preston. ​ Yesterday, at approximately 8:30 p.m., Halifax District RCMP responded to a call involving shots fired outside a home located on Amos Walter Dr. in North Preston. […]

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