Neighbourhood Street Safety

The Covid Chronicle

**** HRP Media Release

Neighbourhood Street Safety

With the current public health directives, our neighbourhood streets and sidewalks are busy with people staying active while doing their part to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Halifax Regional Police is reminding everyone to work together to keep our streets and communities safe.

  • Motorists and cyclists should slow their speed on busy residential streets and keep a watchful eye out for pedestrians, children and pets.
  • Pedestrians should stay alert for vehicles and cyclists, particularly when no sidewalk is available.
  • When out and about outdoors, remember to keep appropriate physical distance from others who are not in your household bubble. Carry a mask with you in the event you are not able to maintain a physical distance of 2 metres (6 feet) from others.
  • While walking, if you’re able to do so safely, yield the sidewalk to others and smile and wave as you pass them by – it’s the Nova Scotian thing to do.

More road safety tips:

Keep up-to-date on COVID-19 public health directives:

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