Weekly Traffic Advisories (Feb 26th)

Traffic & Weather

**** TRANSPORTATION Media Release

Weekly Traffic Advisories (Feb 26th)

Note:  Each week the local listings are expanded and updated.  During the week new and updated tasks are added.  Every week a new post is started with fresh info but previous posts may be still valid.

Provincial  / Municipal

HALIFAX REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY: Dillmans Bridge, Meaghers Grant

Dillmans Bridge, on Wyse Road in Meaghers Grant, will be closed until further notice. A detour is available via Old Guysborough Road. Signs are in place.


Peggys Point Road, from the Visitor Information Centre west for about one kilometre, will be reduced to one lane until March.

Work to take place from sunrise to sunset.


Highway 103, between Exit 9 and 10, will have alternating lane closures for road work until Wednesday, June 30.

Work takes place from sunrise to sunset.

HANTS COUNTY: Highway 102, Lantz

A temporary detour is in place on Highway 102 north of Exit 8, Elmsdale, for the replacement of the Nine Mile River bridges, northbound and southbound. This work is part of ongoing construction for the new Lantz Interchange and Connector Road.

The detour has a reduced speed limit of 80 kilometres an hour and is expected to be in place until mid-summer.

The Lantz Interchange and Connector Road is expected to be complete and open to traffic by fall.

**** HRM Media Release

Road Closure – Spring Garden Road

Location: Spring Garden Road, between South Park Street and Dresden Row

Date: Sunday, March 7

Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Work details: Crane required to lift equipment onto the roof of the Nelson Place building.

Traffic impact: Local traffic access for Brenton Street will be maintained from the Dresden Row end. Motorists should expect delays and are asked to use alternative routes whenever possible.


Road Construction – Sackville Drive

Location: 323 Sackville Drive

Date: Thursday, March 4

Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Work details: Lane drop to facilitate the safe entrance and exit of concrete trucks

Traffic impact: A lane drop will be in place while work is underway. Motorists should expect delays and are asked to use alternative routes whenever possible.​


Traffic Delay – 1732 Argyle Street

Location: 1732 Argyle Street, between Carmichael Street and Prince Street

Date: Monday, March 1 until Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Time: Crews will be on site from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday. The traffic delay will be in place each day (including weekends).

Work details: Installation of a rooftop deck at 1732 Argyle Street.

Traffic impact: One lane of traffic will be maintained at all times, and the East side sidewalk will remain open to the public while work is underway.


Construction during COVID-19:​ Construction crews will strive to maintain physical distancing measures, however, residents may see workers within two metres of each other while completing certain tasks which aligns with the exemptions outlined in the Provincial Health Order. If approaching construction crews, residents are asked to maintain at least two metres of physical distancing.


Municipality implements annual Spring Weight Restrictions, Feb. 28

To minimize potential damage to municipal streets and roads, the Halifax Regional Municipality will introduce its annual spring weight restrictions, beginning at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 28.​

These restrictions are for heavy vehicles travelling on municipally maintained roads (see attached). Regular weight tolerances apply on exempt roads.

The weight restrictions are expected to remain in place into the spring, at which time the municipality will issue a PSA advising that the restrictions are lifted.

The municipality’s spring weight restrictions are consistent with those of the Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal (NSTIR). Details of vehicle restrictions can be found online at http://novascotia.ca/tran/trucking/springweight.asp.



Spring Road Weight Restrictions
Spring weight restrictions on provincial roads will begin next week in many parts of the province.

Restrictions begin Sunday, Feb. 28 at 11:59 p.m. for the Halifax Region and the following counties: Annapolis, Digby, Hants, Kings, Lunenburg, Queens, Shelburne and Yarmouth.

Restrictions for Cape Breton Region and Antigonish, Colchester, Cumberland, Pictou, Guysborough, Inverness, Richmond and Victoria counties will start a week later on Sunday, March 7 at 11:59 p.m.

Spring weight restrictions end Friday, April 30 at 11:59 p.m.

Weight restrictions on heavy vehicles are needed during the spring thaw to protect roads weakened by mild and wet weather. The Department of Transportation and Active Transit will continue to monitor the end date in relation to road and weather conditions to ensure it remains appropriate.

For inquires on road weight restrictions, call the Operations Contact Centre at 1-844-696-7737.

Quick Fact:
— some roads, including 100-series highways, are exempt from the restrictions

Additional resources:
For a complete list of restricted and exempt roads, go to: http://novascotia.ca/tran/trucking/springweight.asp

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