Response to COVID-19: Parks & Recreation Updates

Sports And Rec The Covid Chronicle

**** HRM Media Release

Response to COVID-19: Parks & Recreation Updates

The Halifax Regional Municipality continues to monitor and respond to the rapidly evolving impacts of COVID-19. The following is an update on municipal services.

As directed by the province, new public health guidelines will take effect in the Halifax Regional Municipality as of Monday, Feb. 8.

Spectator capacity increase

Spectators will once again be permitted in municipally-owned facilities.

Although provincial guidelines allow for up to 100 spectators, not every venue can safely accommodate those numbers at this time. Staffing, configuration and size of the venue must be considered in each individual facility. Safety remains our top priority.

The following spectator capacities will go into effect on Monday for arenas:

  • BMO Rink D (100)
  • Halifax Forum Arena (100)
  • RBC Rink C (100)
  • Saint Margaret’s Centre – Fountain Rink (100)
  • Zatzman Sportsplex (100)
  • BMO Rinks A, B and C (50)
  • Centennial Arena (50)​
  • Cole Harbour Place Scotia 1 (85)
  • Cole Harbour Place Scotia 2 (35)
  • Eastern Shore Arena (60)
  • Halifax Civic Arena (75)
  • LeBrun Arena (50)
  • RBC Centre Rinks A, B and D (50)
  • Sackville Sports Stadium (50)
  • Saint Margaret’s Centre – Smith Rink (50)
  • Spryfield Arena (50)

Rental groups will continue to be responsible for COVID-19 screening and tracking. No food or drink is permitted in arenas, and masks must be worn at all times.

  • ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​Spectator numbers for other rentals are subject to facility capacity. Please contact your individual facility. Spectators are not permitted for school rentals.

Facility bookings & rentals

Rentals at municipally-owned and operated recreation facilities, community centres and arenas continue. Organized clubs will be able to host activities with cohorts of up to 15.

Recognized businesses and organizations will be able to host events for 100 for indoor activities/events and 150 for outdoor activities/events.

  • ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​Recreation programming, partner facilities, gyms & pools
  • ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
    Fitness facilities will be permitted to operate at 75 per cent capacity while maintaining three metres between people during high-intensity activities. Most municipally owned recreation centres, fitness centres, gymnasiums and pools have reopened. Please call your local recreation centre for more information.
  • ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
  • ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​Day camps and programs will increase to cohorts of 15 (including staff and participants). This will take effect during registration for March Break programming.

Residents are reminded they may continue to use REC at Home which offers a variety of activities that you can enjoy with your family – from arts and crafts, to at-home workouts.

For more information on municipal services during the COVID-19 pandemic, visit

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