January is intersection safety month

Traffic & Weather

**** HRP Media Release

January is intersection safety month and Halifax Regional Police is sharing some tips to help make intersections safer for all road users.

Road safety is everyone’s responsibility. Whether you’re driving, walking, cycling or rolling, everyone has a role to play in making intersections safer by:

  • Slow down when approaching intersections
  • Following traffic regulations
  • Being mindful of other road users
  • Avoiding distractions
  • Exercising caution
  • Remaining watchful of changing road and weather conditions
  • Use additional caution when snowbanks are present as they can obscure sightlines


  • Make sure there is enough space between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead of you.
  • As you approach an intersection, look left and right to scan your surroundings.
  • Come to a full stop at stop signs and red lights.
  • When approaching an amber or yellow light you must stop if you can do so safely.
  • If the light is green, scan left and right before proceeding through the intersection or entering the intersection to make a left or right turn.
  • Do shoulder checks, mirror checks and use signals before turning. When turning right do a double shoulder check for cyclists.
  • Yield to pedestrians at intersections. Crosswalks exist on all legs of an intersection, whether marked or unmarked. Turning vehicles at signalized intersections must yield to pedestrians crossing on the walk signal.
  • If the intersection doesn’t have traffic lights, drivers must yield to pedestrians waiting to cross or when they’re already in a crosswalk.
  • Drivers must wait until pedestrians are completely across the road before proceeding.


  • Look both ways, try to make eye contact with motorists and walk across only when it is safe to do so.
  • When available always take advantage of marked crosswalks.
  • It’s the law to use the overhead flashing light at crosswalks. Make sure to press the button where it is available.
  • Consider wearing bright colours or reflective clothing when walking in the evening, at dusk or dawn and when the weather conditions make visibility poor.


  • Use hand signals to let other road users know your intentions at intersections.
  • If you decide to cross the street using pedestrian signals, get off your bicycle and walk it across the street.
  • Approach intersections with caution and look for vehicles slowing down to turn right.
  • Consider wearing or applying bright colours and applying additional reflective materials or lights to your bicycle.
  • Always wear your certified helmet.

Let’s all work together to make intersections safer for everyone.

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