What a great update via Hope for Wildlife
Remember the two osprey nestlings that were saved from a tragic fire? They lost both their nest and their parents, but that didn’t stop a team of people from finding a way to bring the family together again.
While we were giving the ospreys tender loving care, the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables undertook the task of building them a brand new nest! And Nova Scotia Power built them a whole new pole – just for them!
They knew the parent ospreys were still in the area, so we hoisted a bucket up and put the little ones into their new nest. And waited. ..
And then it happened! After almost two weeks apart, at about 9PM that night the parents brought the babies a fish! The next day mom was staying with the babies giving them shade and care while dad went fishing for the family!
Thanks to everyone who helped reunite them. Because they matter.”