Response to COVID-19: Halifax Transit service updates

The Covid Chronicle


Response to COVID-19: Halifax Transit service updates

The Halifax Regional Municipality continues to monitor and respond to the rapidly evolving effects of COVID-19. Steps are being taken to mitigate impacts on municipal services while also helping to reduce the spread of the disease.

The health and wellness of residents and employees is our main priority.

Effective Monday, March 16 passenger capacity on all ferries will be limited to 150 persons per trip. Additionally, buses will be limited to seating passengers only (standing passengers will not be permitted at this time). This is in a further effort to ensure the health of residents and operators.​ All transit services will continue to operate on a regular schedule.​

Halifax Transit has already taken measures to help reduce the spread of disease, including an increased frequency in wipe-downs of high-touch surfaces, as well as making the first seat unavailable to riders.

Residents and visitors who are feeling ill are asked to avoid using transit services until your health returns to normal.​

For more information on municipal services during the COVID-19 infection, visit

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