Health and Wellness

More healthcare services will soon be available to more Nova Scotians at their local pharmacy

**** HEALTH / WELLNESS Media Release Healthcare Clinics Tested at Community Pharmacies ——————————————————— NOTE: The list of pharmacy locations follows this release. ——————————————————— More healthcare services will soon be available to more Nova Scotians at their local pharmacy. The Community Pharmacy Primary Care Clinics program will be piloted in 12 pharmacies across Nova Scotia, with...

911 emergency: when to call

****Via NS Government 911 emergency: when to call You can call 911 if your health, safety or property is threatened and you need help right away. The 911 call taker (operator) will notify emergency responders, like fire, police or ambulance. Call 911 for emergencies and get connected to the fire, police or ambulance services you...

(Restored) Province wide issue with 911 line

Update – 911 services have been restored Via HRP Province wide issue with 911 line There is a province wide issue with the 911-line system. We are working with the system provider to fix the problem. To contact Halifax Regional Police for emergency services, call 902-490-5020. If you need to contact Halifax Fire during the...

If you’re visiting our shores, stay back from the water and off the black rocks

Via RCMP We understand the calling, and John Masefield wrote it best, “I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky.” In an instant, shorelines can turn from beautiful to deadly. If you’re visiting our shores, stay back from the water and off the black rocks.  ...

Weather seems to have a real and measurable effect on our mood

**** Info via Environment Canada Are you SAD? Weather seems to have a real and measurable effect on our mood. The winter season, with fewer daylight hours and the associated lack of sun exposure, can have a profound impact on our spirit. We may start feeling what we often call the “winter blues”. When someone...

Photos and Info – Discover the mysteries under your skin as Body Worlds Returns to the Museum of Natural History

**** Via Museum of Natural History (Unstamped photos via Justina Dollard) Discover the mysteries under your skin as Body Worlds Returns to the Museum of Natural History Body Worlds Returns! The Museum of Natural History is pleased to announce that Body Worlds Vital will open on January 27, 2023. This all new exhibit is even...

ZLINE 30-inch, 36-inch, and 48-inch RG gas ranges recalled due to risk of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

**** Recall via Health Canada ZLINE 30-inch, 36-inch, and 48-inch RG gas ranges recalled due to risk of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Issue The oven of the gas ranges can emit dangerous levels of carbon monoxide (CO) while in use, posing a serious risk of injury or death from carbon monoxide poisoning. As of January 17, 2023, the...

First responders supports Bell Let’s Talk Day

Via HRFE – HRFE supports Bell Let’s Talk Day, and our crews are talking about the importance of ending the stigma around mental health. Resources are available for those seeking help, find support or educate yourself at   We also encourage anyone who needs mental health support to call the Provincial Mental Health Crisis...

More Mental Health and Wellness Resources for Schools

**** CNS Media Release More Mental Health and Wellness Resources for Schools ——————————————————- The Province is enhancing mental health and well-being supports for staff and students in Nova Scotia schools. A new mental health and wellness grant and additional online resources provided through a $200,000 investment build on the important resources already in place. Each...

Teach your children that in an emergency situation, to not be afraid of or try to hide from a Firefighter

Great advice via Beaver Bank – Kinsac Station 48 When its the middle of the night, and there are smoke alarms and loud noises with possibly smoke and fire, it is a very scary situation for children and even adults. When they see a firefighter dressed in what looks like a big space suit who...