General Interests

Water Service Advisory – Collins Park Area – Water Service Interruption

**** Halifax Water Release Water Service Advisory – Collins Park Area – Water Service Interruption ​ From 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM on Wednesday, May 4, Halifax Water crews will be undertaking water system maintenance work in the Collins Park area. Customers within the impacted area may experience temporary loss of water service and/or discoloured...

Water Service Advisory – Waverley Area – Water Service Interruption

**** Halifax Water Release Water Service Advisory – Waverley Area – Water Service Interruption ​ From 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM on Tuesday, May 3, Halifax Water crews will be undertaking water system maintenance work in the Waverley area. Water service will be temporarily shut down in the area shown on the attached map. Customers...

Kejimkujik National Park Notice of prohibition: Piping Plover area closure (St. Catherine’s River Beach and Little Port Joli Beach)

**** Parks Canada Release Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site Notice of prohibition: Piping Plover area closure (St. Catherine’s River Beach and Little Port Joli Beach)   Notice of prohibition: Piping plover area closure PIPING PLOVER AREA CLOSURE EFFECTIVE DATE: April 28, 2022 until further notice. PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES: Pursuant to section 7(1) of the...

The Nova Scotia RCMP is warning the public of a cyber-scam where a scammer is impersonating an RCMP officer from Nova Scotia

**** RCMP Media Release The Nova Scotia RCMP is warning the public of a cyber-scam where a scammer is impersonating an RCMP officer from Nova Scotia On April 28, 2022, the RCMP in Nova Scotia were made aware of a cyber-scam targeting people in at least two different provinces. Officers learned that the scammer(s) is...

Province Making Progress on Implementing New Forest Practices Guide

**** Natural Resources Release Province Making Progress on Implementing New Forest Practices Guide —————————————————————– The Province is close to fully implementing the new forest practices guide as part of its work to ensure a sustainable forestry industry in Nova Scotia. The Silvicultural Guide for the Ecological Matrix applies to Acadian forest on Crown land and...

HRFE are currently looking for volunteers in communities across HRM

**** HRFE Release HRFE are currently looking for volunteers in communities across HRM If you live in Middle Musquodoboit, Upper Musquodoboit, Dutch Settlement, Waverley, Wellington, Fletcher’s Lake, and Goffs come join our team. Visit or email for more information...

(Update) Statement via Sam Austin : Starr Park Assault/Shelter / Statement from Halifax Mutual Aid

**** Statement from Sam Austin Starr Park Assault/Shelter On Saturday, Mutual Aid Halifax dropped a pre-built shelter in Starr Park on Prince Albert Road (by the Marine Railway re-creation and Sawmill River). As usual, Mutual Aid did so without permission from HRM. The problem is Mutual Aid’s shelters aren’t safe. They have no supporting services...

Municipality launches new online dashboard: Strategic Performance Snapshot

**** HRM Media Release Municipality launches new online dashboard: Strategic Performance Snapshot ​ The Halifax Regional Municipality is marking the launch of its Strategic Performance Snapshot – a new online dashboard showcasing the municipality’s progress as it delivers on the priorities of Regional Council and the administration. ​ The Strategic Performance Snapshot provides an online...

Blank Ammunition Being Used for Training at HMC Dockyard

**** CFB Halifax Release Blank Ammunition Being Used for Training at HMC Dockyard Members of the public who live in, visit or transit through Downtown Halifax and Dartmouth should be advised that Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) soldiers and sailors will be conducting training this weekend in Halifax Harbour using small arms weapons which will include...

Halifax Regional Police launches its 2023 cadet recruitment campaign

**** HRP Media Release Halifax Regional Police launches its 2023 cadet recruitment campaign ​ Today, Halifax Regional Police (HRP) is launching a recruitment campaign for its 2023 cadet class, which follows on the success of the last two HRP Police Science Program classes. The next HRP Police Science Program is scheduled to begin in the...