Great job!
**** Via HRFE
Firefighter Talbot Boyer was awarded the Canadian Medal of Bravery from Governor General of Canada, Her Excellency Mary Simon.

OTTAWA, Ontario—Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada, has presented 40 Decorations for Bravery during a ceremony that was held at Rideau Hall on October 24, 2024.
OTTAWA (Ontario) — Son Excellence la très honorable Mary Simon, gouverneure générale du Canada, a remis 40 décorations pour actes de bravoure lors d’une cérémonie qui a eu lieu à Rideau Hall le 24 octobre 2024.
Credit/Mention de source : MS/La Matc Anne-Marie Brisson, Rideau
While the recognition is for bravery demonstrated while Talbot was a Halifax Transit driver, we are privileged to share this recognition and supported his nomination.
Well done, Firefighter Boyer, M.B.!