Canada Day events are not planned due to COVID-19 public health restrictions
***’ HRM Release Canada Day events are not planned due to COVID-19 public health restrictions. The municipality is encouraging residents to use this day to reflect on our shared history and collectively recommit to a stronger future built upon meaningful reconciliation efforts with Indigenous peoples...
Today marks the 25th anniversary of National Indigenous Peoples Day
**** Info via HRM Today marks the 25th anniversary of National Indigenous Peoples Day, a time for all of us to recognize and celebrate the unique history, heritage and diverse cultures of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. The Halifax Regional Municipality is located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and traditional lands of the Mi’kmaq people...
First celebrated in 2011, the National Animal Rights Day is a growing global movement
**** Info via the Marine Animal Response Society First celebrated in 2011, the National Animal Rights Day is a growing global movement to give a voice to all animals and raise awareness for their rights (anyone else think of the Lorax?) We’re celebrating the progress that is being made towards ending the suffering of animals...
Parks and Recreation summer programming and facility update
**** HRM Media Release Parks and Recreation summer programming and facility update The Halifax Regional Municipality is advising residents that summer recreation programs have once again been planned in accordance with public health guidelines. Outdoor recreation programing will be offered in June and both indoor and outdoor (half-day and full-day) summer camps are...
World Bike Day
**** HRP Media Release World Bike Day Today is Word Bike Day and Halifax Regional Police is encouraging everyone to do their part to safely share our roadways. Motorists: Keep an eye out for cyclists and ensure you allow for 1-meter clearance when passing them. Only pass cyclists if it’s safe to do so...
June is National Indigenous History Month
**** HRM Media Release June is National Indigenous History Month June is National Indigenous History Month, a time to honour the history, heritage and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples across Canada. It is also an opportunity to recognize the strength of present-day Indigenous communities. This year marks the 25th anniversary of National Indigenous Peoples...
The Wharf Rat Rally, an annual gathering on the Digby Waterfront over Labour Day Weekend, has been cancelled for 2021
**** Rally Release The Wharf Rat Rally, an annual gathering on the Digby Waterfront over Labour Day Weekend, has been cancelled for 2021. An event of this size takes nearly a year to plan and organize, and the third wave brought those preparations to a halt. While the provincial plans for reopening announced on Friday...
Air Show Atlantic 2021 scheduled for August 28th and 29th in Debert, Nova Scotia has been cancelled
**** Airshow Atlantic Release It is a sad day. Air Show Atlantic 2021 scheduled for August 28th and 29th in Debert, Nova Scotia has been cancelled. For the most detailed explanation of all the factors that went into this decision we encourage you to listen Episode 4 of the Air Show Atlantic Podcast where we...
World Turtle Day History
**** Info via CWF World Turtle Day History World Turtle Day seeks to raise awareness about turtles and tortoises. This day aims to protect them and their habitats. It encourages people to learn more about them in order to keep them safe and protected. According to, 6 out of 7 turtle species are classified...
Today is World Bee Day
**** Info via the UN Today is World Bee Day. “To raise awareness of the importance of pollinators, the threats they face and their contribution to sustainable development, the UN designated 20 May as World Bee Day. The goal is to strengthen measures aimed at protecting bees and other pollinators, which would significantly contribute to solving...