Art project unveiling to Commemorate the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
**** HRM Media Release Art project unveiling to Commemorate the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church The Halifax Regional Municipality is inviting residents to the unveiling of an art project to Commemorate the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Zion Church and its contribution to the African Nova Scotian Community. The AME Zion Church was located at...
Auction Healing Animal SCARS ends 3pm Sun Feb 5th, 2023 by Sonya D Higgins
Via Healing Animal SCARS Auction Healing Animal SCARS ends 3pm Sun Feb 5th, 2023 by Sonya D Higgins Contributors: Sonya D Higgins (owner), Darlene Fudge and J Frank Andrea Welcome to the auction for Healing Animal SCARS. Please familiarize yourself with our updated auction rules before you bid. NOTE: Changed end time 3pm **You must add Sonya D Higgins...
TD Presents African Heritage Month at Halifax Public Libraries
**** Halifax Libraries Release TD Presents African Heritage Month at Halifax Public Libraries African Heritage Month at Halifax Public Libraries returns with in-person programs and performances for all ages. More than 35 workshops, performances, and community conversations are scheduled for February and beyond. This year’s program has been developed in collaboration with the African...
Dine Around Halifax is BACK starting tomorrow, February 1st, 2023!
Via Downtown Dartmouth Business Commission ????✨DINE AROUND 2023✨???? ????Dine Around Halifax is BACK starting tomorrow, February 1st, 2023! ????️Dine Around is a month-long foodie event celebrating our region’s innovative culinary scene with specially-curated menus available on during the month of February. There are 6 downtown Dartmouth eateries participating this year: ???? Celtic Corner | 69...
Shubenacadie Sam Ready to Greet Visitors
**** DNR Release Shubenacadie Sam Ready to Greet Visitors Nova Scotians are invited to celebrate Groundhog Day with Shubenacadie Sam – in person and virtually – for the groundhog’s annual forecast from Shubenacadie Wildlife Park on Thursday, February 2. Shubenacadie Wildlife Park’s well-known groundhog will emerge from a burrow at 8 a.m. People may attend...
Become a parade participant by submitting your float, group or other parade entry
Via Halifax St Patrick’s Day Parade Become a parade participant by submitting your float, group or other parade entry. To register click
Downtown Dartmouth Ice Festival recap
Downtown Dartmouth Ice Festival recap Downtown Dartmouth was packed as the annual Ice Festival roared to live with chainsaws and fire. The annual festival saw Saturday the busiest day of the event. Ice carving tutorials and live carvings set with games and live music venues were capped by a dazzling fire show by Luminosity Circus...
Photos and Info – Discover the mysteries under your skin as Body Worlds Returns to the Museum of Natural History
**** Via Museum of Natural History (Unstamped photos via Justina Dollard) Discover the mysteries under your skin as Body Worlds Returns to the Museum of Natural History Body Worlds Returns! The Museum of Natural History is pleased to announce that Body Worlds Vital will open on January 27, 2023. This all new exhibit is even...
Going for a coffee this weekend? How about grabbing a cup with a cop?
Via RCMP Going for a coffee this weekend? How about grabbing a cup with a cop? On Sunday afternoon, Halifax District RCMP officers will be at the Timberlea Tim Hortons (1844 St Margarets Bay Rd.), between 2 and 4 p.m., to chat with community members. If you have a question about policing or a career...
Via Camp Courage WHO CAN YOU INSPIRE TODAY? In 2006, a firefighter named Andréa Speranza founded a charity called Camp Courage, The First Responder’s Society. It is a free, award-winning, life-changing camp that informs, educates, and inspires young women and gender-diverse youth toward emergency service careers. The ultimate goal is that the young women leave...