Pat Stay Day, September 2
This is circulating on Facebook calling for a gathering on 02 September 2023 by the Pat Stay mural in Dartmouth for “Pat Stay Day” starting at noon til 4pm...
Vigil for Devon on his 18th birthday
This was sent to us. Check out the image for more information “Hi ,October 7th will mark Devon Marsmans 18th Birthday. We would like to invite the community to a vigil /walk on this day ( details on poster )”...
In photos – Highway of Heroes roared off from Dartmouth to Truro under mostly sunny skies
In photos – Highway of Heroes roared off from Dartmouth to Truro under mostly sunny skies This tribute includes military and first responders coming together as a way to say thank you to our veterans and those who still serve...
We are excited to have the Transplant Trot back for 2023!!
**** Info via Event We are excited to have the Transplant Trot back for 2023!! The Transplant Trot is one of the main fundraisers for the Canadian Transplant Association. We have made a couple of changes since the last Trot. We are no longer the Running Room as our registration platform. Instead we are using...
The Canadian Armed Forces Parachute Team, the SkyHawks will perform at 12 Wing Shearwater on August 23
**** CFB Halifax Release The Canadian Armed Forces Parachute Team, the SkyHawks will perform at 12 Wing Shearwater on August 23 The Canadian Armed Forces Parachute Team, the SkyHawks, will parachute onto the 12 Wing Shearwater sports field on Wednesday, August 23 at 7 p.m. Members of public are invited to witness the free performance...
With Hal-Con coming up, here’s a history of the event via Hal-Con
With Hal-Con coming up, here’s a history of the event via Hal-Con Hal-Con runs from October 27 – 29th, 2023 **** Info via Hal-Con Hal-Con’s History Nova Scotia has been home to a number of conventions. Many conventions were held from the late 70s through to the 90s, but unfortunately fell out of existence. In...
(Update) The Halifax Zombie Walk is back 08 Oct 2023 in downtown Halifax
**** Via Zombie Walk Rescheduled ***IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT*** Unfortunately due to weather we will be postponing the Zombie Walk to SATURDAY OCTOBER 21ST @ 1PM. Please spread the word, share this post if you’d like, and please, don’t show up on Sunday as a lone zombie caught in the rain! Event will meet at the Public...
National Acadian Day: August 15
**** HRM Media Release National Acadian Day | 2023 National Acadian Day: August 15 Since 1881, Acadians have celebrated National Acadian Day on August 15. It is a day marked by colourful community festivals and family events, especially the tradition of “Tintamarre”: people march through the streets in their communities, making noise as they go...
Wildfire Response Appreciate Event
This is great. Info below Wildfire Response Appreciate Event Tomorrow 2pm – 6pm 2041 Hammonds Plains Rd, Hammonds Plains, NS B4B 1P3, Canada “On the afternoon of May 28th, a brush fire in Westwood Hills, Upper Tantallon, abruptly turned into a raging wildfire that quickly and unexpectedly ravaged multiple subdivisions, destroying hundreds of homes and...
It’s Gus’ 101st birthday weekend!
It’s Gus’ 101st birthday weekend! But you’d never guess it by how fiesty he is today! Gus is believed to be the oldest Gopher tortoise in the world and he’d love to say hi at the Museum of Natural History. Via the Museum of Natural History “It’s auGUSt! Join us for Gus the Gopher Tortoise’s...