Events & Entertainment

The annual #RCMPGRC Name the Puppy Contest kicks off

**** Via RCMP Kids, it’s that time of year! The annual #RCMPGRC Name the Puppy Contest kicks off Please “paws” for a moment to help us name Canada’s future RCMP dogs. Take part in the contest following these rules: 🐾 Names must begin with the letter “T”, be 1 to 2 syllables and have no...

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day: Know Human Trafficking

**** RCMP Media Release Sending on behalf of Nova Scotia Crime Stoppers: National Human Trafficking Awareness Day: Know Human Trafficking Today is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, and Nova Scotia Crime Stoppers is encouraging you to participate by educating yourself about the signs and indicators of human trafficking and to report suspicious activity to police...

On February 20th, pet lovers everywhere observe National Love Your Pet Day

On February 20th, pet lovers everywhere observe National Love Your Pet Day This holiday focuses on giving extra attention to our pets. The day encourages pampering our pets and focusing on the special relationship pets hold in our lives. And Ofcourse, you all know Zookie!  ...

Come join us for the very first Long Lake Winter Carnival!

**** Info via Long Lake Park Come join us for the very first Long Lake Winter Carnival! It’s a day full of outdoor fun and a chance to explore the park. We’ll be at 10 Dunbrack St in the Large Parking Lot from 10 AM to 3 PM on Saturday, March 2nd. There will be...

In photos – A lot of fun at the Ataraxy Farms family day

In photos – A lot of fun at the Ataraxy Farms family day Lots of smiles as a great turnout showed up at the farm on this holiday Monday. Pony rides and cookies were the icing on the cake for some as many visitors interacted with volunteers and about they many animals, including different breeds...

Fun event for Monday via Ataraxy Farms

Fun event for Monday via Ataraxy FarmsFun event for Monday via Ataraxy Farms We will be hosting our first Family Fun Day this year on family day. Come out and see our animals, get a pony ride, decorate some goat shaped cookies and enjoy a hot beverage. Mark your calenders Date: Monday, February 19th, 2024...

Darkside Dippers are hosting a Darkside Social

This was sent to us via the Darkside Dippers, the ice dipping collective we’ve featured a few times at Lake Banook. “Darkside Dippers are hosting a Darkside Social at North Brewing on Saturday. We’ll have a donation table set up for North Grove community centre.” Check the image for more information...

Municipal service level adjustments for Heritage Day long weekend

**** HRM Media Release Municipal service level adjustments for Heritage Day long weekend The Halifax Regional Municipality is advising residents of the following municipal program and service level adjustments for the upcoming Heritage Day long weekend, including the holiday on Monday, February 19. Solid Waste Collection and Facility Hours There will be no garbage, organics or...

This was sent to us about an upcoming rally calling for justice for Devon

This was sent to us about an upcoming rally calling for justice for Devon “Please join us – we need to make sure that Devon’s face and name remain in the forefront of the police, the news, the community and those who are responsible for his disappearance. They ALL need to know that we will...