Calling all superheroes, Drop Zone Halifax is on Tuesday, August 13th this year and registration is now open!
**** Info via Easter Seals Calling all superheroes, Drop Zone Halifax is on Tuesday, August 13th this year and registration is now open! Drop Zone is a knee-shaking, heart-pounding and adrenaline-pumping adventure that encourages you to get out of your comfort zone and face your fears by rappelling from the top of Halifax’s tallest office...
The Mi’kmaq Child Development Centre is hosting an Indigenous Craft & Vendor Market featuring over 40 vendors!!
This event / fundraiser was sent to us to share. More info below **** Via Mi’kma’ki Child Development Centre Everyone Welcome!! The Mi’kmaq Child Development Centre is hosting an Indigenous Craft & Vendor Market featuring over 40 vendors!! Come shop and support local Indigenous artists, crafters, and vendors!! Money raised through admission and canteen will...
Bide Awhile – You’re invited: Open Shelter Day
**** Info via Bide Awhile You’re invited: Open Shelter Day Join us on Tuesday, April 30th from 4PM – 8PM as we open the doors to our shelter and showcase what we do for animals in need. You’ll get to spend time in each room, cuddling cats, chatting with staff, and learning why we do...
Event via Fall River Stn 45 – Mark this date in your calanders and come on by to see us on Sunday April 28th
Event via Fall River Stn 45 See image for more information **** Via Fall River Stn 45 Mark this date in your calanders and come on by to see us on Sunday April 28th from 11am to 2pm There is going to be tons of great information and groups on hand with information about fire...
National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week (April 14-20)
**** RCMP Media Release National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week (April 14-20) The Nova Scotia RCMP is proud to recognize and honour our dedicated public safety telecommunicators during National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week (NPSTW). Public safety telecommunicators are the unsung heroes behind the scenes who play a crucial role in public safety. They are the first...
Hope for Wildlife joined author Connie Dennis to talk about her book Pickles the Osprey!
**** Info via Connie Hope for Wildlife joined author Connie Dennis to talk about her book Pickles the Osprey! Proceeds from the book sales are being donated to us to help local wildlife – including Osprey, the official provincial bird of Nova Scotia! (photo left to right – George from Hope for Wildlife, author Connie...
Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency celebrates National Volunteer Appreciation Week by thanking our volunteer firefighters across the region for their dedication to their communities
**** Via HRFE Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency celebrates National Volunteer Appreciation Week (April 14 – 20) by thanking our volunteer firefighters across the region for their dedication to their communities This year’s theme is “Every Moment Matters.” We’re proud of our volunteers who give their time to help their community in challenging circumstances. Volunteering...
The Halifax Regional Municipality is inviting residents to Earth Fest, a free, five-day festival taking place across the Halifax region from April 18 to Earth Day on April 22
**** HRM Media Release 2024 Earth Fest Events – April 18-22 The Halifax Regional Municipality is inviting residents to Earth Fest, a free, five-day festival taking place across the Halifax region from April 18 to Earth Day on April 22. The festival unites residents to celebrate climate action, energy reduction and their love for nature...
**** Via Downtown Dartmouth Business Commission JANE’S WALK 2024 There is still some time to sign up as a Jane’s Walk * Halifax Walk Lead (April 19 sign up deadline). Jane’s Walk takes place in hundreds of cities around the world during the first weekend in May (May 4th & 5th, 2024). It involves free...
“From” continues to film in Dartmouth
From” season 3 filming continues to turn heads as this fantastically eerie show, shot within the HRM, rolls through a few Dartmouth streets today. This show, from MGM+, is also available on Prime...