Because of a very important action, WFMHFX wants to give Jim Smith and “The 902 ~ HXIR” a big heartfelt thank you!

In The Spotlight

Years ago, when WFMHFX was hastily brought online after unexpected circumstances, WFMHFX quickly realized that a main webpage was needed.  Calling out for helo, a local internet radio host reached out and created a domain for which WFMHFX has since called home.  Because of that important action, WFMHFX wants to give Jim Smith and “The 902 ~ HXIR” a big heartfelt thank you!

Chat with Jim

Who are you and what do you do? I am Jim Smith, Owner, Operator, GM/PD of The station.
What is the name of your internet radio station? The 902 HXIR ~ Halifax & Area Internet Radio.
How did you get started with this? It is really a long story.  Back in late 2012, and throughout 2013, I had taken notice of someone locally, toting the station call, “Z-107”, via Facebook and other social media.  So, at that point, I had made a few inqiries, as to who & what they were all about. After having made contact with these individuals, I was Strongly advised by the owner / operator of a local community radio station, that for my own legal protection, that I should cease and desist from offering any further assistance, and in no uncertain terms, I was told, “Run The Other Way, And Fast!!“, by the owner / operator / GM/PD of this FM community station.  This person had advised me that they had taken notice of which direction, that these other individuals were taking, and had basically saved me from going in that direction.  You see, even though there is extremely stiff and “Cut-Throat” competition, in the radio market, as far as listener-ship, for that all mighty dollar, this does not mean that we don’t see the human side of the equation, and act on it. Speed ahead, a year later, after a rather long winter of 2013 – 2014, A few friends and I were just discussing radio related topics, via *Skype, which back then, had to be one of, if not, the best tools for online, or “Internet Radio“.
 So, during one of these many online meetings, which occured quite often, I was “Urked”, out of curiousity, as to how to start an internet radio station, and how much of what is needed. So, with some encouragement from these friends, and others I had met, … .  They encouraged me by telling me that few people have the abillity and understanding, to take on such a venture, but these friends told me, that from what they knew of me, that they believed that I am one of the few, who actually have the knowledge, and understanding to pull this off!!  So, I made a few inquiries, to both those in the technical realm, and those in the clerical / beaureaucratic realm, seeking out any information, from whatever sources, that were available to me.
 With this info, and some interaction, with some outside of my immediate locale’, I was able to go “Pre-Recorded Live“, on July, 1, 2014. I guess it would have been a year later, I had been contacted by a young gentleman, who had somehow stumbled across the station, via social media. Just for name sake, we will refer to this person, as “JB“.  We’ll speed things up by about 9 months. JB was in his first year of Highschool, and had taken an interest in this “New Kid In Town” Internet radio station. With the help and guidance from JB, I was able to set up a home page, that went from one provider, to another, to where people know us, now, and, needless to say that without the help of JB, and many others, along the way, this station would not be where it is today.  And of course, our valued listeners.
So, along comes 2016, 2017, …  .  Suddenly we all find ourselves in what is to become a different world.  March of 2020, brought us “Head-Long” into the struggle of  “The COVID 19 Pandemic“.  Little did I know it, at that time, but one of the persons, responsible for,  and was probably there from the start of a well known Halifax based online news page, had found themselves in a bit of a situation, and this person also reached out to me, and again, as I had said earlier, … Me, seeing the human side of this now, what some may call a “FUBAR” senario, … I reached out to this person, welcoming them to the team.  Here we are, in 2023. Things may have changed, over the past 9 years, but the one thing that has not, nor will it, … Is the human equation.
What is the purpose/ goal for your station? For those who have of the means to receive, and hear us, it is that task, .. actually, several. To entertain, as well as to inform. Hence the combination of two great online pages, to enable the means, and continuence to do exactly that.
Besides music,  what else do you cover and why? To answer this question, I’d have to ask a question.  We’ll put you in the driver’s seat of your “New To You” SUV. Have you even just driven along a road, being even the slightest bit curious as to where it may take you?  You see? Right now, it is a bit of a hobby, that may possibly morph into bigger and better things.  So, again, … To entertain and inform.
What would you say to others who may be interested in starting up with Internet radio? You had better have a good, solid understanding of both radio protocol, and internet structure and protocol.  I’m not going to tell you that it is, or isn’t hard, starting out, but it can also be very rewarding. You may find yourself in some different situations, with both internet radio, and those with whom you come in contact with.
Anything else you would like to share?  Yes.  Many thanks go out to those who have helpeds, in one way or another, as well as a big shout out to our valued listeners.
Radio page here

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