**** Natural Resources Release
Nova Scotians are reminded to put safety first during hunting and fur harvesting seasons.
The general deer hunting season opens Friday, October 28, and continues to December 3. The dates vary for other types of game.
“We want everyone to be safe and enjoy the outdoors during hunting season,” said Natural Resources and Renewables Minister Tory Rushton. “People planning to be in the woods this time of year are reminded to wear hunter orange, respect private landowners and keep pets on a leash.”
Hunters must carry a compass, knife or axe, and waterproof matches. And anyone going into the woods should also carry a map or GPS unit, a first aid kit and a communications device. They should tell someone where they will be and when they plan to be back.
Although the risk of avian influenza spreading to people is very low and no such cases have been reported in Nova Scotia, hunters and fur harvesters should take precautions when handling game. Hunters should wear a mask and rubber gloves and work in a ventilated area when cleaning game, cook meat thoroughly, and clean and disinfect tools and contaminated surfaces. People should not eat or handle wildlife that appears sick or died from an unknown cause. They should also prevent pets from coming into contact with sick or dead wildlife. Anyone who becomes ill after handling or eating game should see a healthcare provider or call 811.
Pet owners should also be aware that approved traps and snares can be set in wildlife habitats – on land and in water – until March 31.
Harvests can be reported online through the Wildlife Resources System website: https://wrs.novascotia.ca/
The public is urged to report poaching or illegal hunting activities to the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables by calling 1-800-565-2224.
Quick Facts:
— hunting is not allowed on Sundays except for October 30 and November 6
— through the purchase of wildlife habitat stamps, hunters and fur harvesters contribute an average of $200,000 a year to the Nova Scotia Habitat Conservation Fund to support biodiversity conservation and research
Additional Resources:
Season dates and bag limits for hunting and fur harvesting: https://novascotia.ca/natr/hunt/
Summary of hunting and fur harvesting regulations: https://novascotia.ca/natr/hunt/regulations.asp
Hunter education courses: https://wrs.novascotia.ca/Education/
Advice for hunters regarding avian influenza: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/migratory-game-bird-hunting/avian-influenza-wild-birds.html#toc7
Natural Resources and Renewables on Twitter: https://twitter.com/NS_DNRR