**** HRFE Release
Comfort Centres
Following the activation for any municipal emergency management plan:
Under the municipal emergency plan (MEP), in conditions that don’t require an evacuation, during an emergency the municipality may establish or support community comfort centers whereby a resident population may visit to receive essential needs like meals, hygiene facilities, electronic device charging capabilities.
A list of comfort centres will be provided at: @hfxgov @hfxmoments and by calling 311, when the affected zones are located.
All comfort centres will be located out of the affected zones.
If you are trapped or injured call 911!
In addition to providing transportation to emergency centres, when needed, the municipality will also coordinate the provision of the locations for reception centres and temporary shelters. The provision of humanitarian services is a provincial Department of Community Services responsibility. Generally, the Department of Community Services will designate the operation of reception centres and shelters to the Canadian Red Cross.
We are currently recruiting JEM teams for the urban parts of our municipality. Please call 902-490-4213 for more information on how you can help open up a comfort centre.
Under the emergency management act 12,(f) upon the state of local emergency being declared in respect to the province or an area thereof, the province may cause or order the evacuation of persons and the removal of livestock and personal property threatened by an emergency and make arrangements for the adequate care and protection thereof, shelters will be the responsibility of the province.
An evacuation shelter is known as a location where evacuees are received, documented, personal needs are identified, and overnight shelter is provided. A type of emergency facility. In HRM, evacuation centres are operated by the Canadian Red Cross, under the direction of the provincial Department of Community Services. (MEP).
If you have been affected by a personal disaster and require assistance, contact the Red Cross: 1-800-222-9597.