That Halloween Pumpkin you carved is gonna get gross, fast. Let Moo Nay Farms take care of it for you.

Events & Entertainment

Updated with drop off locations via Moo Nay Farms

That Halloween Pumpkin you carved is gonna get gross, fast.

Let Moo Nay Farms take care of it for you. Each November, they collect your old pumpkins as feed for their farm animals.

See below for a list of locations to drop your jack o lanterns, or, sign up to collect them at your place! The pigs and cows at Moo Nay Farms say THANK MOO.

Community Drop Off Locations

Moo Nay Farms, 15203 Hwy 224, Cooks Brook, Nova Scotia

97 Brookfield Ave, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

43 Larkview Terr, West Bedford, Nova Scotia

52 Shirley Elliot Court, Bedford, Nova Scotia

14 Shada Court, Hammonds Plains, Nova Scotia

180 Crichton Ave, Dartmouth

215 Philip Drive, Fall River

126 Howard Ave, Shearwater

50 Onyx Crescent, Spryfield

414 Shore Drive, Bedford

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