On July 28, 2021, Halifax Search and Rescue was notified of a potential overdue hiker in the Kidston Lake (Spryfield) area


**** Halifax Search and Rescue Release

On July 28, 2021, Halifax Search and Rescue was notified of a potential overdue hiker in the Kidston Lake (Spryfield) area of the municipality. The well-prepared subject had planned to go hiking for several days. When he didn’t return at the scheduled time, his family became concerned and notified authorities.

Intermittent communications were established with the subject via family radio service (FRS). It was determined that during his trek, he became separated from his navigation equipment and was unable to navigate from the woods. He found a campsite in the wilderness area and stayed at the location.

Approximately twelve members of the Halifax SAR Remote Rescue team responded to the call. Three teams, including a civilian K9 team, were tasked to complete rapid searches of the trails in the area.

Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency deployed two drones during the search, until a Nova Scotia Department of Lands & Forestry helicopter arrived on scene. At that point an additional HSAR team was tasked to search from the air.

The subject was located by the helicopter tasking, who were able to land near the subject and provide an initial medical assessment prior to extraction. The subject was subsequently assessed and released by Emergency Health Services – EHS paramedics.

Halifax Search and Rescue would like to remind the public that no matter how well-prepared individuals may be for a wilderness adventure, that things may go wrong. The subject made all of the correct decisions which led to the rapid rescue. #RemoteRescue

Patty Cuttell, Councillor District 11 Spryfield – Sambro Loop – Prospect Rd
Brendan Maguire, Candidate for Halifax Atlantic

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