Traffic calming measures in the HRM affecting response time according to many first responders

Traffic & Weather

Traffic calming measures in the HRM affecting response time according to many first responders

A fire apparatus slows to a crawl to navigate a speedbump while responding to an emergency call

Speedbump, meant to slow traffic of all kinds, bring larger vehicles to a near stop, and if you can imagine, being in the back of an ambulance is certainly unappealing hitting a bump at any speed.

The influx of these measures are understandable, but many people (not just first responders) online are also expressing frustration of many of these measures showing up in “unusual” locations or the sheer amount of areas, and resources, these measures take.

**** Via HPFF

“These traffic calming measures create an additional challenge to all responders when responding to help people in our increasingly crowded city.

When seconds matter, fire apparatus must reduce speeds at speed bumps to avoid risk to the public, damaging the trucks and equipment and injuring Firefighters.

Fire trucks are heavy and acceleration and deceleration of these apparatus, at traffic calming locations has a negative impact on our response times.”

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