K9 Siren sets the bar as canine blood donations begin in HRM 

Health And Wellness In The Spotlight

K9 Siren sets the bar as canine blood donations begin in HRM 

You know Siren, the gentle giant K9 therapy dog with the HRFE, and the importance of his job with both first responders and within the community as an ambassador for first responders mental health, but today this sweetie has expanded his mission to help as a K9 blood donator.

At the Basinview Veterinary clinic today, Siren gave the gift of life to help other pups who may be in  trouble and require emergency services such as surgery.

Today, Siren became the second dog in Nova Scotia to donate blood in this program. One donation can be used to save three dogs!

The canine blood donation can be stored and used as needed for several months. Canine blood donations are based on positive or negative blood only, not requiring a specific type.

All blood collected is tested before being put into storage.

** Ed Note – Although fairly new to the job, Siren plays an important role with the HRFE (and other first responders) as a therapy dog, providing unconditional love, kindness and empathy. And now as a blood donor, he can save fellow canines lives.

He should definitely be recognized as a good boi and a hero. And with adopted sis in training, so should see!

Follow K9 Siren and Trainee Annie on Facebook at


**** Via Canadian Animal Blood Bank

We Save Dogs’ Lives

Each blood donation can make a difference in the lives of three other dogs across Canada. Does your pet have what it takes to be a hero?

Our Mission

We save dogs’ lives with the help of generous people like you.

The Canadian Animal Blood Bank saves the lives of dogs by supplying quality blood products from the generous donation of donor dogs. We are advancing veterinary medicine by raising awareness and educating the community about transfusion medicine.

More about CABB here



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