With these skyrocketing temperatures, our SPCA Enforcement Team are out patrolling parking lots

Health And Wellness Traffic & Weather

**** Via NS SPCA

With these skyrocketing temperatures, our SPCA Enforcement Team are out patrolling parking lots

Please keep your pet safe and cool inside at home. High temperatures make it difficult for pets to cool themselves and heatstroke can be fatal.

If you see a pet in a hot car, remember to ACT. A-C-T.

A – Assess the situation. Signs that a pet may be in distress from overheating include exaggerated panting, rapid breathing, drooling, dark pink gums, lack of coordination, inability to get up, vomiting, convulsions or collapse.

C – Collect information. Note relevant information about the vehicle (make, model, license plate, colour, exact location) and pet’s description (species, size, colour, breed if known).

T – Time to call. If you cannot find the owner and the animal is in distress, call your local police, RCMP, or the Nova Scotia SPCA at 1-888-703-7722 and stay at the vehicle until reinforcements arrive.

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