Many turtles, including snapping turtles, are still on the move, with many mamas nesting

In The Spotlight Traffic & Weather

Many turtles, including snapping turtles, are still on the move, with many mamas nesting

If you come across any turtle, it’s ok to admire then from a safe distance.

Photos or sightings can be posted as always to the Nova Scotia Turtle Patrol who help monitor turtle populations.

Many turtles are at risk of losing nesting grounds due to environmental changes and human interference, making snapping turtles, who nest in the same grounds they were hatched, especially at risk.

Snapping turtles are currently listed as a species at risk in Nova Scotia.

Nova Scotia Turtle Patrol


Turtles do not raise their young, but snapping turtles, when possible, will often stay near their nests to ensure it settles and is safe before leaving back to their preferred water.






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