Springtime is upon us, which means seal pupping season is already in full swing here in the Maritimes!

General Intrests

**** Info via MARS

Springtime is upon us, which means seal pupping season is already in full swing here in the Maritimes!

If you see a seal or a pup found on or wandering near shorelines…rest assured, most of these animals are fine and doing what wild seals do.

Pups (and their moms) need to spend a large portion of their day resting onshore. Depending on the species, mothers feed their pups over various time periods (4 days to 6 weeks). During this time, they may leave their pups unattended in order to feed themselves; however, mom will return often to feed their pup. Once weaned, mothers abandon the pup. As some pups are not strong swimmers, they may choose to remain on-land for an extended period of time before returning to the sea.

> Seals are WILD animals, and can be out of the water
> When you come across a seal, always KEEP YOUR DISTANCE!
> Seals should NOT be handled or put back in the water! It’s illegal to harass, disturb or try to move seals and other marine mammals

If you think a seal may be sick, injured or in an unusual location:
> Observe them from a distance (at all times)
> Make a note of their behaviour and any injuries
> Take some photos or videos of the seal
> Call the MARS toll-free hotline with the information you collected: 1-866-567-6277

Want to learn more about seals in the Maritime provinces?
Check out our website: https://marineanimals.ca/marine-animals/pinnipeds/


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