Merlin the Macaw Heads to New Home

General Intrests

**** CNS Media Release

Merlin the Macaw Heads to New Home

Merlin the macaw, a resident mascot at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax, will soon have a new home at Safari Niagara in Fort Erie, Ont.

Since the pandemic, Merlin has been displaying signs of depression and stress due to changes in routine and lack of visitor interaction. Macaws are intelligent and curious birds that like to keep busy, explore and are social with mates and family groups.

“We are sad to see Merlin leave, but after exploring several options and consulting the veterinarian, it was determined that rehoming is best for improving Merlin’s health and well-being,” said Laura Bennett, Director, Nova Scotia Museums. “We are excited that Merlin will become part of a family of macaws at Safari Niagara, spending each day in a lush, secure and stimulating environment.”


Merlin will travel with Safari Niagara staff on April 15.


“As Merlin’s veterinarian, I have been working with museum staff to monitor Merlin’s health. Rehoming Merlin to Safari Niagara will provide Merlin with a more socially stimulating environment with other macaws and bird species. As an intelligent, social and curious animal, the move will benefit Merlin.”

— Dr. Kim Peacock, St. Margaret’s Bay Animal Hospital

“As proud members of CAZA and ZAA, Safari Niagara is home to a very diverse collection of mammals, reptiles and birds. Our team works collaboratively to safeguard the health and wellness of our animals, and this influences how we care for our rehomed parrot population here at the zoo. Safari Niagara is looking forward to getting to know Merlin and we are excited to provide Merlin with the opportunity to engage with other macaws and exhibit natural wild behaviours.”

— Lana Borg, Animal Care Manager, Safari Niagara

Quick Facts:
– Safari Niagara is certified with Canada’s Accredited Zoos and Aquariums (CAZA) and a member of the Zoological Association of America (ZAA)

– Merlin, a hybrid rainbow macaw, was hatched in captivity in 2002 and arrived at the museum in 2006, during the March Break Pets at Sea event
– the average age of macaws is 85 years; Merlin will be 22 this year

Additional Resources:

Maritime Museum of the Atlantic:

Safari Niagara: 



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