Special weather statement in effect

Traffic & Weather

**** Info via Environmental Canada

Special weather statement in effect

Storm this weekend.

Locations: Nova Scotia.

Time span: Saturday and Saturday night.

Remarks: A developing storm, similar to the one which impacted the region on Wednesday, will affect the Maritime Provinces this weekend. While it is too soon to provide specific details, the potential exists for strong winds accompanied by rain. The precipitation will fall briefly under the form of snow and ice pellets over northern and eastern regions of the province.

The emergence of this disturbance will coincide with high astronomical tide to produce elevated water levels. Large waves and pounding surf will impact the Atlantic coast, especially near high tide. These large waves can cause coastal erosion in vulnerable areas, and flood some of the coastal roadways.

Additional information will be provided as the details become more certain.

Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to NSstorm@ec.gc.ca or tweet reports using #NSStorm.



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