New parking pay station sign installation beginning August 3

Traffic & Weather

**** HRM Media Release

New parking pay station sign installation beginning August 3

On Monday, August 3 municipal staff will begin removing on-street parking meters and replacing them with paid parking signage in Downtown Dartmouth as part of the Parking Technology Solutions Project.

This is the first step in the Parking Technology implementation plan as new digital Pay Stations will also be installed in the coming weeks. The pay stations are a pay-by-plate, pay-by-zone system, and it introduces more payment options such as credit card, debit card, smart pay by phone (Apple & Google Pay) as well as coin payment and the HotSpot mobile app. Payment is attached to the vehicle, not the parking space. Vehicles can move freely within the parking zone up to the time purchase or maximum time allowed.

Until all Pay Stations and parking zone signage have been installed across the municipality, areas where meters have been removed will become temporarily unrestricted parking until the project is complete.​ We ask that residents help local businesses by respecting a two-hour time limit in these unrestricted areas. ​ Once the project is complete, residents will be given ample notice before the system is activated. It is anticipated that all pay stations will be installed by early fall 2020.

Please note that under the provincial Motor Vehicle Act, vehicles cannot be parked on public streets for more than 24 hours.

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