Annapolis District RCMP has charged a man with voyeurism after an incident at a high school in Middleton


**** RCMP Media Release

Annapolis District RCMP charge man with Voyeurism

Annapolis District RCMP has charged a man with voyeurism after an incident at a high school in Middleton.

On October 20, 2023, Annapolis District RCMP responded to a report of a voyeurism incident at a high school on Gates Ave. in Middleton. RCMP officers learned that a youth had been in a stall in the women’s washroom at the school, when she observed a ladder being placed immediately outside the stall. She then observed a man, who is an employee of the school, on the ladder, peering down on her. The man initially prevented the victim from exiting the stall due to the ladder placement, however after another person entered the washroom, the man left with the ladder. The victim was not physically injured during the incident.

On October 23, the 52-year-old man was safely arrested. Ronald Blair Weatherby, 52, of Upper Granville, has been charged with Voyeurism and Forcible Confinement.

Weatherby was released on conditions, including that he is not allowed to be at the high school and that he cannot have contact with a number of people, including the victim. Weatherby will appear in Annapolis Royal Provincial Court on January 15, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.

Annapolis District RCMP and the Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education and are working collaboratively to offer supports to the victim.

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