October is Cyber Security Awareness Month

General Intrests

**** HRP Media Release

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month

Check in with your children and youth to ensure your family is Cyber Secure.

Online safety for children and youth

What are the risks of interacting online?

  • Cyberbullying and harassment.
  • Physical harm: the Internet, including email, social media sites, chat areas, bulletin boards and messaging can be used to gain a person’s confidence, particularly that of a child or youth, and then arrange a face-to-face meeting. This contact may result in physical, sexual and emotional harm.
  • Exposure to inappropriate material, such as materials that are sexual, hateful or violent in nature or encourage activities that are dangerous or illegal.
  • Identity theft and fraud.

Tips for parents and guardians to reduce online risks to children and youth:

  • Learn about the online world and be aware of the websites your child or youth is visiting. Talk about online safety with your child or youth.
  • Ensure your child or youth does not give out personal information online.
  • If your child or youth is chatting online be sure to review the messages that are being sent and received.
  • Consider only allowing online use of computers, tablets and laptops to take place in common spaces in your home. This allows for better online monitoring.
  • Check-in to see who your child or youth are connecting with through social media apps such as Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and others.
  • Find out about filtering software that is available to block out certain sites, material and apps.  If you are concerned about your child or youth visiting a certain site or chat room, a block can be placed to prevent your them from logging on to that site. However, don’t feel completely safe with a block. New websites and apps pop up every day and many pornographic or hate-filled sites have simple names that don’t give away their content, and some websites are even named to attract children and young adults.

General tips for reducing online risks

  • Use a code name and keep personal information, such as your address, telephone number, place of work, or the name or location of your school, private
  • Always talk to your parents before ever agreeing to meet someone you met online, they may not be who they say they are
  • If a message or chat room becomes uncomfortable, do not respond and log out of that site
  • Report harassment or inappropriate messages to your online server, who have their own set of ethical standards and welcome information from users


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