HALIFAX 2020 CANADA DAY DRUMMING CELEBRATION : Thank healthcare heroes & frontline workers

Events & Entertainment

**** Info via Canada Day Drumming Committee


Thank healthcare heroes & frontline workers

Join us online July 1st 2020

For the past three years, we’ve been celebrating Canada Day through simultaneous nationwide drumming to promote diversity, multicultural, and harmony of our community. We’ve had many ethnic groups in many cities across over 6 time zones in Canada join to cheer and celebrate together in previous years.

This year while we are in one of the most challenge moment in the history – fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to make the drumming celebration more special – We will drum and cheer to thank all the healthcare heroes and essential frontline workers who sacrifice and fight for the safety of our community and for our life.

We are expecting 21 cities and more participants to take part in this year. Halifax warmly welcomes you to join.

Let’s do drumming with your favourite drums or without drums or on anything, cheers and claps your hands, say thank you and solute to heroes!

Due to the pandemic safety restriction, this will be an ONLINE event.

Date: 1st July 2020
Time: 2:40pm – 3:15pm (ADT Halifax Time)

Simultaneously Drumming will start at ADT 3:00pm (PDT 11:00am)

Location:  Zoom meeting (Zoom ID 950 804 8431). No registration needed.

Facebook livestreaming (@CanadaDayDrummingHalifax)

(To celebrate the Canada Day and appreciate the participants attending the event, a random draw will decide 100 lucky winners in Halifax to win $10 Tim Horton’s gift card donated by sponsors. You will be qualified to be in the draw if you join the zoom meeting and later send a 1-3 min video of your drumming or cheering during the event to CanadaDayDrumminghfx@gmail.com )

For more information update.
Please follow up our facebook and twitter

Stay well, stay healthy, and stay safe! We are looking forward to seeing you online!

Canada Day Drumming Celebration Halifax Committee

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