**** DFO Media Release
On January 11, an individual from Cape Breton NS was sentenced to pay $6,200 for violations of the Fisheries Act for interference with food, social and ceremonial (FSC) lobster gear and for obstruction of a fishery officer.
The individual is also prohibited from being on the water or within 150 m of a wharf between July 25, 2023 and January 25, 2024, which is the busiest time for FSC lobster fishing in Eastern NS. FSC fisheries are not commercial fisheries and may take place outside the commercial season.
Damage or destruction of gear and interference with lawful fishing are illegal, cause debris that harms fish and fish habitat, and may result in a fine of up to $100,000 for violations of the Fisheries Act.
Any harvesters who have gear destroyed or tampered with should report the incidents to the local DFO Conservation and Protection office and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).