New Investments Support Caregivers in Long-Term Care Facilities, At Home

Health And Wellness

**** SENIORS/LONG-TERM Care Release

New Investments Support Caregivers in Long-Term Care Facilities, At Home
NOTE: A list of the new investments follows this release.
Long-term care facilities and home-care agencies will receive increased funding to help ensure ongoing, responsive care for seniors and other Nova Scotians relying on their services.

The Province is investing $29.1 million in programs and initiatives across the continuing care system, including wound care, workplace safety, emergency preparedness and facility improvements.

The funding also supports the innovative pilot program Capable, which partners a nurse, occupational therapist and handyperson to help older people live more independently, such as by making changes to their home. Three teams will be trained and supported to serve about 300 clients over the next year.

“Our seniors deserve the peace of mind of knowing the right care will be there for them when they need it,” said Barbara Adams, Minister of Seniors and Long-term Care. “We’re committed to providing strategic investments to help our partners deliver that care across the province now and for years to come.”

The Province is making strategic investments to address issues identified across the sector, including:
— addressing ongoing workforce challenges with $8.1 million for additional long-term care assistants, who assist with managing additional COVID-19 measures, light housekeeping and other activities outside of direct personal care
— $5.1 million outstanding capital infrastructure requests
— $4.6 million related to prevention and management of infectious disease, including promoting best practices in infection control and regular surveillance
— $1 million for business continuity planning and emergency preparedness.

This funding is in addition to other recent investments to support seniors and the continuing care system, including free tuition and books for continuing care assistant students, a new free home lift program, and the expanded seniors care grant.

“We appreciate the government’s continued support and investment in home and community care. This funding supports the safe delivery of care for both our clients – a very vulnerable population – and our healthcare workers. It also highlights government’s willingness to explore new and innovate ways to deliver care.”
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ – Jeff Densmore, Regional Executive Director, Central and Western zones, Nova Scotia, VON Canada

“Across Nova Scotia, our team provides hospital-style beds and related products like specialized mattresses for thousands of people each year who are recovering at home from surgery, illness or injury, or are receiving palliative care. This generous contribution will allow a substantial increase in our inventory, which in turn means many more Nova Scotians and their caregivers will benefit from this program and have access to key resources necessary for their safety and comfort.”
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ – Chris Baert-Wilson, Senior Director of Community Health, Atlantic Canadian Red Cross

“We are thrilled with the investments that government is making in continuing care. These investments will support home-care providers to be more responsive to our clients in the community and will assist individuals to remain comfortable and safe in their own homes. It will also allow us to continue to provide safe and quality care to those individuals who call long-term care home.”
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ – Janet Simm, President and CEO, Northwood

Additional Resources:
Mandate letter for the Minister of Seniors and Long-Term Care:

Investments to support caregivers:
— $8.1 million to long-term care facilities to help address staffing issues through hiring long-term care assistants
— $5.1 million to address outstanding capital funding requests and emergency repairs
— $4.6 million for infection control in facilities
— $4.5 million in clinical administration support for long-term care facilities
— $2 million for the Capable pilot program to help seniors develop plans to improve health and independence
— $2 million provided to Health Association Nova Scotia to continue a successful wound-care program
— $750,000 for home care safety equipment
— $500,000 for emergency preparedness
— $500,000 to the Red Cross for the bed loan program
— $500,000 for business continuity planning for home-care agencies
— $360,000 to modernize home-care administration

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