Comfort Centres open – Sunday, Sept. 25, 10:25 a.m.

Health And Wellness

**** HRM Media Release

Comfort Centres open – Sunday, Sept. 25, 10:25 a.m.

The Halifax Regional Municipality is advising residents that the following comfort centres are open:

  • Beaver Bank Kinsac Community Centre, 1583 Beaver Bank Road, Beaver Bank (now to 7 p.m.)
  • Royal Canadian Legion Branch #58, 23566 Nova Scotia Trunk 7, Sheet Harbour (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.)
  • Prospect Road Community Centre, 2141 Prospect Road, Hatchet Lake (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.)
  • Cole Harbour Place, 51 Forest Hill Parkway, Cole Harbour (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.)
  • Lebrun Recreation Centre, 36 Holland Avenue, Bedford (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.)

These locations will remain open as needed and further locations may be opened if necessary. Residents can proceed to these centres anytime; however, they are advised to travel only when it is safe to do so.

Comfort centres provide food and water, as well as a place to recharge devices and receive up-to-date information, when residents are impacted by prolonged power outages, extreme temperatures or other significant events.

The locations vary depending on which community/communities have been impacted. Comfort centres are generally located in municipal facilities where they exist. The hours vary depending on the type of impact on communities.

For more information, visit:

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