Municipality makes interim bikeway improvements in support of the All Ages and Abilities Bike Network

Traffic & Weather

**** HRM Media Release

Municipality makes interim bikeway improvements in support of the All Ages and Abilities Bike Network

The Halifax Regional Municipality is advising residents that interim bikeway improvement measures will soon be installed along several corridors in the Regional Centre. Quick-build materials like flexible bollards, concrete curbs, paint, speed tables, and signage will be added to improve cycling safety and connectivity in the near-term until permanent measures can be installed along these routes in the next 1-5 years.

Interim bikeway improvements targeted for Fall 2022 installation include:

  • Bell Road
  • Slayter Street
  • Devonshire Avenue, including Duffus Street from Novalea Street to Isleville Street
  • Isleville Street, Maynard Street and Creighton Street, including Fuller Terrace and Northwood Terrace
  • Liverpool Street and George Dauphinee Avenue
  • Bayers Road to the Chain of Lakes Trail via Ashburn Avenue, Abbott Drive, Elliott Street and Ralston Avenue

Along routes with existing painted bike lanes, an interim physical barrier will be introduced between the bikeway and vehicular travel lanes. On quieter, residential streets, painted sharrows and interim traffic calming measures will be installed to help promote slow, single file lane sharing.

Installation will take place in phases over the coming weeks. Prior to installation, residents will be made aware of the specific improvements on or around their street via letter.

The installations will also benefit the safety of people walking and rolling by reducing vehicular speeds and crossing distances at major intersections.

This project will allow for the continued development of a safe and comfortable cycling network, while improving existing facilities by adding protected bike lanes and safety improvements.

These improvements align with the municipality’s All Ages and Abilities Bikeway Network and ensure a safer, more connected transportation network as outlined in the Integrated Mobility Plan. Protected bike lanes and related improvements, such as curb extensions

and speed tables, help maintain a safe, connected, and accessible transportation network.

This investment is also an example of the municipality’s commitment to its “Towards Zero” approach, which is focused on moving closer towards zero fatalities and injuries for people using any mode of transportation, as outlined in our Strategic Road Safety Framework.

For more information, visit


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