COVID-19 Weekly Data Report for May 26, 2022

The Covid Chronicle

**** HEALTH/WELLNESS Media Release

COVID-19 Weekly Data Report for May 26, 2022
Nova Scotia is reporting 1,584 new lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19, 40 hospitalizations and 13 deaths during the seven-day period ending May 23. The number of new cases – including those linked to long-term care outbreaks – continues to decline, as does the number of new hospitalizations.

“The pandemic isn’t over, but as we make our way out of this latest Omicron wave, I’m optimistic about what summer may hold in Nova Scotia,” said Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia’s Chief Medical Officer of Health. “I know we’re all looking forward to reconnecting with friends, family and loved ones. There are ways to do that safely and in a way that protects those at high risk: gather outside when you can, stay up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines and, if you’re sick, stay home.”

Age continues to be the factor most closely related to severe outcomes from COVID-19:
— since the beginning of the Omicron waves on December 8, 2021, the median age of lab-confirmed cases is 43, while the median age for hospitalizations and deaths is nearly double, at 71 and 81 respectively
— the risk of hospitalization is more than 10 times higher for those 70 and older compared to people under 50 and the risk of death is more than 110 times higher
— of the 13 deaths reported this week, 11 (85 per cent) were in people 70 and older and 7 (54 per cent) were in long-term care.

COVID-19 vaccines provide the best layer of protection against severe outcomes. Most people aged 12 to 69 are well protected by a two-dose primary series plus one booster. Immunity from vaccine wanes more quickly in people 70 and older. People in this age category are also more likely to need hospitalization or to die from COVID-19. For these reasons, a second booster dose of vaccine is recommended for this age group.

To date, 65.6 per cent of Nova Scotians 18 and older have received at least one booster dose and 59,631 people have received a second.

The weekly COVID-19 epidemiologic summary is prepared for the Chief Medical Officer of Health and his team to inform public health’s management of the pandemic. It tracks weekly trends and is focused on monitoring for severe outcomes in key populations. The full report is available here:

Quick Facts:
— the sixth wave of the pandemic started March 1
— the public dashboard will continue to be updated through the end of June

Additional Resources:
COVID-19 public dashboard:

Book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment:

Information on testing, including where to get a rapid testing kit:

Report a positive COVID-19 test to be linked to public health support, including virtual care and treatment for those who are eligible:

Government of Canada:

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