Spring equinox

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**** Info via Environment Canada

Spring equinox

The spring equinox will arrive on Sunday at 11:33 a.m. EDT in the Northern Hemisphere, signalling the end of astronomical winter!

The word “equinox” comes from Latin and means “equal night”. On the equinox, day and night are of approximately equal length all over the world.

Even though astronomical spring has sprung, this date is NOT meteorologically relevant since meteorologists celebrate the start of spring on March 1st (which is also not “meteorologically relevant”, but simply relevant to meteorologists!).

So, each season has both an astronomical start and a meteorological start. It sounds complicated, but it’s not! The astronomical start date is based on the position of the Sun in relation to the Earth, while the meteorological start is simply a date we have picked for statistical reasons, based on the 12-month calendar and the annual temperature cycle.

Want to have a peek at what the coming months may bring? Here is our temperature outlook until the end of May:

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