11 New Hospital Admissions, Six Discharges, One Death, State of Emergency Renewed

The Covid Chronicle


11 New Hospital Admissions, Six Discharges, One Death, State of Emergency Renewed
Today, February 4, Nova Scotia is reporting 11 new hospital admissions and six discharges.

Nova Scotia is also reporting one death related to COVID-19. A man in his 70s in Central Zone has died.

“We have suffered significant loss of life in the last week. My sincere condolences to the 15 families who have lost loved ones,” said Premier Tim Houston. “Nova Scotia is a small and tight-knit province, and these losses touch us all. I want to thank those who have gotten vaccinated including their booster dose. If you haven’t booked your booster or any doses of vaccine, there is an appointment available to book now.”

There are 99 people in hospital who were admitted due to COVID-19 and are receiving specialized care in a COVID-19 designated unit. That includes 15 people in ICU. The age range of those in hospital is 2-95 years old. The average age is 66, and the average length of stay of people admitted to hospital due to COVID-19 is 7.9 days.

“It saddens me to learn that this virus has taken another Nova Scotian. I offer my deepest sympathies to this man’s family and loved ones,” said Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia’s Chief Medical Officer of Health. “We need to continue to be cautious about COVID, carefully balancing measures that limit the spread of Omicron and its impact on our most vulnerable and our healthcare system, with starting to gradually lift restrictions. Easing restrictions will be possible because of our province’s high vaccination rate and the hard work of Nova Scotians.”

Of the 99 people in hospital, 92 were admitted during the Omicron wave.

The vaccination status of those in hospital is:
— 25 (25.3 per cent) people have had a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine
— 44 (44.4 per cent) are fully vaccinated (two doses)
— 1 (1.0 per cent) is partially vaccinated
— 29 (29.3 per cent) are unvaccinated.

It is important to note that less than 10 per cent of Nova Scotians are unvaccinated.

There are also two other groups of people in hospital related to COVID-19:
— 126 people who were identified as positive upon arrival at hospital but were admitted for another medical reason, or were admitted for COVID-19 but no longer require specialized care
— 139 people who contracted COVID-19 after being admitted to hospital.

Vaccine Coverage:

As of February 3, 2,145,666 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered. Of those, 91.4 per cent of Nova Scotians have received their first dose, and 84.4 per cent have received their second dose.

As well, 57.1 per cent of Nova Scotians 18 and older have received a booster dose, and 3.7 per cent have booked a booster dose appointment.

Cases and Testing:

On February 3, Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) labs completed 3,204 tests. An additional 594 new lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19 are being reported.

There are 245 cases in Central Zone, 116 cases in Eastern Zone, 104 cases in Northern Zone and 129 cases in Western Zone.

As of today, there are an estimated 3,769 active cases of COVID-19 in Nova Scotia.

Hospital and Long-Term Care Outbreaks:

NSHA is reporting additional cases related to the outbreaks in three hospitals:
— five additional patients in a ward at Aberdeen Hospital in New Glasgow; fewer than 10 patients have tested positive
— one additional patient in a ward at Valley Regional Hospital in Kentville; fewer than five patients have tested positive
— one additional patient in a ward at the Halifax Infirmary site of the QEII Health Sciences Centre; fewer than 10 patients have tested positive.

The Province is reporting two outbreaks in long-term care facilities:
— six staff members have tested positive at Nakile Home for Special Care in Glenwood, Yarmouth Co.
— three staff members have tested positive at Mountain Lea Lodge in Bridgetown.

Public health is working with the facilities to prevent further spread. Increased public health measures and restrictions are in place.

The Province is renewing the state of emergency to protect the health and safety of Nova Scotians and ensure safety measures and other important actions can continue. The order will take effect at noon, Sunday, February 6, and extend to noon, Sunday, February 20, unless the government terminates or extends it.

Quick Facts:
— a state of emergency was declared under the Emergency Management Act on March 22, 2020, and has been extended to February 20, 2022

Additional Resources:
Nova Scotians can find accurate, up-to-date information, handwashing posters and fact sheets at: https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus

Information on provincewide restrictions that took effect December 22 and other public health measures to help slow the spread of COVID-19 is available at: https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/restrictions-and-guidance/

More information on COVID-19 case data, testing and vaccines is available at: https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/data/

More information about public health text notifications of positive COVID-19 cases and close contacts is available here: https://www.nshealth.ca/news/public-health-notifying-positive-covid-19-cases-text-advising-notify-close-contacts

Government of Canada: https://canada.ca/coronavirus or 1-833-784-4397 (toll-free)

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