Changes to COVID-19 Reporting

The Covid Chronicle

**** HEALTH/WELLNESS Media Release

Changes to COVID-19 Reporting
Starting today, December 23, Nova Scotia will change how it reports daily COVID-19 data due to delays in data entry caused by the recent high number of cases.

Throughout most of the pandemic, the Province has reported data from Panorama, public health’s disease information system. However, since December 10, the Province has shifted to reporting the number of positive lab test results to more accurately reflect the COVID-19 situation in the province, given the backlog in Panorama data entry. Though this data is more accurate overall, it does contain a small number of duplicate results because some people have been tested more than once.

Starting today, duplicate results will be removed from reported case numbers. Each case will only be counted when the person first tests positive. The Province will continue to report case data daily throughout the Omicron wave. The data released Monday through Friday will include the number of positive cases after excluding duplicate lab results, the breakdown by zone, estimated active case count, and immunization data and testing data.

On weekends and holidays, the number of positive cases will be reported based on raw lab data, which may include a small number of duplicates, with a breakdown by zone. Testing data will continue to be reported. Following weekends and holidays, the number of cases will be updated with the duplicates removed. There will not be reports on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day.

Also starting today, the COVID-19 dashboard will temporarily include the estimated number of active cases and some data will be removed.

These reporting changes are expected to be temporary and last four to six weeks. The Province will then resume reporting Panorama data.

Quick Facts:
— a person may have multiple positive lab tests over time for a variety of reasons, including repeat testing until negative if required for travel, or repeat testing until negative in order to make changes in clinical management
— since November 15, 255 lab results were repeat positives

Additional Resources:
More information on COVID-19 case data, testing and vaccines is available at:

Nova Scotians can find accurate, up-to-date information, handwashing posters and fact sheets at:

Information on provincewide restrictions that took effect December 22 and other public health measures to help slow the spread of COVID-19 is available at:

More information about public health text notifications of positive COVID-19 cases and close contacts is available here:

Government of Canada: or 1-833-784-4397 (toll-free)

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