Elections Nova Scotia is Calling for Election Workers

General Intrests

**** Elections Nova Scotia Release

Elections Nova Scotia is Calling for Election Workers

It takes a lot of people and effort to make an election run smoothly, especially during a pandemic. Elections Nova Scotia needs dedicated workers to facilitate voting and ensure safe cleaning protocols are enforced at all voting locations.

People 18 years and older who would like to work the provincial election are asked to please contact the retuning office in their electoral district.

Elections Nova Scotia has public health precautions in place at all voting location to keep voters and election workers safe.

Election workers are required to wear masks while working and there will be a tabletop shield between voters and election workers. Physical distancing will be enforced at voting locations, and frequently used surfaces will be disinfected between every voter interaction. Voters will be asked to sanitize their hands at entrances and exits and bring their own pen. Election workers will minimize hand-to-hand contact with voters by touching their documents (i.e. Voter Information Card (VIC), IDs, etc.) as little as possible.

Elections Nova Scotia is a non-partisan and independent agency responsible for conducting provincial elections. For more information on the 41st provincial general election, please visit electionsnovascotia.ca, call 1-800-565-1504, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter @electionsns.

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