Police issue tickets for failing to follow the Health Protection Act

The Covid Chronicle

**** HRP Media Release

Police issue tickets for failing to follow the Health Protection Act

At 8:20 p.m., on the 27th of April, Halifax Regional Police responded to the 100 block of Chain Lake Drive Halifax, for a report of two men failing to isolate after travelling from out of Province.​ Officers located the two males and confirmed they recently returned to Nova Scotia and did not complete 14 days of isolation.​ Both males, 23 and 25-year-old, were issued a summary offence ticket to for violating 71(1)(b) of the Health Protection Act, which carries a fine of $2,000.

Halifax Regional Police is reminding everyone to follow the current public health measures related to the COVID-19 emergency. We strongly advise members of the public to continue to educate themselves on these public health directives and COVID-19 enforcement measures, including those related to illegal gatherings and associated fines, at​ http://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/.

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