RCMP charge several people during busy weekend in Wolfville

The Covid Chronicle

**** RCMP Media Release

RCMP charge several people during busy weekend in Wolfville

Kings District RCMP have charged several people during a busy weekend of partying in Wolfville.

Between 9:30 p.m. on April 24 and 1:30 a.m. on April 25, RCMP members in Wolfville charged three people for illegal possession of liquor while walking in the area of Bay St., Gaspereau Ave. and Highland Ave. Two men and one woman, in their late teens and early twenties, were charged under Section 78(2) of the Liquor Control Act, which carries a fine of $467.50. Also on the evening of April 24, police attended a party on Summer St. and charged a 21-year-old woman under Section 4.1 of the Town of Wolfville Nuisance Party Bylaw for sponsoring a nuisance party. This offence carries a fine of $582.50.

On April 25 at approximately 1 a.m., police observed a large gathering of approximately 30 people at a residence on Highland Ave. Police dispersed the gathering and were met with belligerent behaviour by the occupants of the home. Police charged three men and one woman under Section 71(1)(b) of the Health Protection Act. Each were fined $1,000.

In a state of emergency, police are authorized to enforce orders under the Health Protection Act. If Nova Scotians, businesses and organizations do not follow gathering limits, social distancing guidelines and self-isolation requirements, they will now face fines of $2,000 for individuals and $7,500 for businesses and organizations. Multiple fines can be given each day an individual, business or organization fails to comply. Police can also enforce offences under the Emergency Management Act.

RCMP is reminding everyone to follow all Public Health orders, Provincial legislation and Town bylaws. We all need to do our part to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The RCMP thanks Nova Scotians for their continued support and to the vast majority who are adhering to the directives outlined by the provincial government. For more information, visit: http://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/.

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