Booking Begins for Asymptomatic Testing Across the Province

The Covid Chronicle

**** HEALTH/WELLNESS Media Release

Booking Begins for Asymptomatic Testing Across the Province
Starting Tuesday, Dec. 8, Nova Scotians around the province with no COVID-19 symptoms can book appointments for testing. It is mainly recommended for people who have a lot of close social interaction through gatherings or many social contacts.

“This is an opportunity for Nova Scotians to help keep each other safe, especially as we approach the holiday season,” said Dr. Robert Strang, chief medical officer of health. “By getting tested, you can help us limit the potential spread of the virus by detecting positive cases in people who do not have symptoms.”

Asymptomatic testing is available for people who:
— do not have symptoms
— have not travelled outside the Atlantic provinces within the past 14 days
— have not visited a potential exposure location
— have not been in contact with someone who has tested positive

In Central Zone, people can go to the Zatzman Sportsplex in Dartmouth for an asymptomatic test without an appointment. In all other zones, appointments are required and can be booked at, choosing the asymptomatic option. Appointments can be booked until Dec. 13.

In addition, pop-up sites will continue in different locations around the province. Because they use rapid tests, the age limit is 16 and over at these sites.

People getting tested through this process are not required to self-isolate while waiting for their test or results. People getting tested for other reasons can find their self-isolation requirements at .

A negative test result is a good indication that a person is not able to spread the COVID-19 virus at the time of testing but it does not mean that they could not become infectious in the next few days. People who receive a negative test result must continue to follow public health measures and if they develop symptoms, immediately self-isolate and complete the COVID-19 self-assessment.

The number of tests that can be done is based on the need to prioritize testing of people who have symptoms and close contacts of known cases. Not everyone who comes forward for an asymptomatic test will necessarily get one.

Everyone is reminded to keep their social circles small and follow public health measures including wearing masks, physical distancing, practicing good hand hygiene, and staying home and completing the COVID-19 self-assessment if they have symptoms.

Quick Facts:
— more information about COVID-19 testing and pop-up locations is available at
— anyone with symptoms should visit to do a self-assessment and book a test if recommended – only call 811 if you cannot do the self-assessment online

Additional Resources:
Government of Canada:

Government of Canada information line 1-833-784-4397 (toll-free)

The Mental Health Provincial Crisis Line is available 24/7 to anyone experiencing a mental health or addictions crisis, or someone concerned about them, by calling 1-888-429-8167 (toll-free)

Kids Help Phone is available 24/7 by calling 1-800-668-6868 (toll-free)

For help or information about domestic violence 24/7, call 1-855-225-0220 (toll-free)

For more information about COVID-19 testing and online booking, visit

The COVID-19 self-assessment is at

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