Traffic, Weather & Utility

Todays weather for the Halifax area

Todays weather for the Halifax area Cloudy today with a chance of drizzle and breezy with a high of 14c A chance of showers tonight and breezy with a low of 9c...

As the temperatures begin to warm up, a friendly reminder to be wary of other warm weather fans too- Tick safety

As the temperatures begin to warm up, a friendly reminder to be wary of other warm weather fans too- Tick safety **** NS Government Release Tick safety Ticks like moist and humid environments and can be found in or near woods, shrubs, leaf litter, long grass, urban parks and gardens. They are very small, which...

Burning restrictions are updated at 2:00 pm daily. Burning is not allowed between 8:00 am and 2:00 pm.

**** Info via DNR Burning restrictions are updated at 2:00 pm daily. Burning is not allowed between 8:00 am and 2:00 pm. During wildfire risk season (15 March to 15 October), no domestic brush burning or campfires are allowed between 8:00 am and 2:00 pm, except industrial permits. Burn restrictions are updated daily at 2:00...

Late night crash damages Dartmouth restaurant

A late night incident saw a vehicle crash into the Sam’s restaurant on Gordon Ave in Dartmouth, causing considerable damage to the structure. No other information at this time. . Added – Provided photos show damage across the road from Sam’s. This damage is said to be related to the crash into the structure...

Paving at the Macdonald Bridge

Paving at the Macdonald Bridge, closed for the weekend and set to open by 530am Monday, as part of the toll structure removal. As of Monday morning, HHB bridges are toll free. The restructuring of the Macdonald Bridge means a whole new experience for commuters returning to work and school tomorrow who cross the bridge...

Todays weather for the Halifax area

Todays weather for the Halifax area Mostly sunny today with a chance of drizzle and breezy with a high of 13c Cloudy tonight with a chance of drizzle and a low of 7c –...

Burning restrictions are updated at 2:00 pm daily

**** Info via DNR Burning restrictions are updated at 2:00 pm daily Burning is not allowed between 8:00 am and 2:00 pm. During wildfire risk season (15 March to 15 October), no domestic brush burning or campfires are allowed between 8:00 am and 2:00 pm, except industrial permits. Burn restrictions are updated daily at 2:00...

Thin ice in the HRM

With warmer weather comes sketchy ice. Many lakes in the HRM are showing signs that its time to stay off them. Please keep first responders in station and avoid the ice. –...

Bridge Tolls come down on the Macdonald Bridge

Wow The view of the Macdonald Bridge this morning is a dramatic change as the full toll structure lays in rubble as tolls officially are removed from HHB bridges on Monday . . . . . –...

Burning Rules and Regulations for HRM

**** Info via Update – Starting 16 May 2024, the fine for violating daily burn restrictions is $25,000. Daily burn restrictions also now apply to provincial, municipal and private campgrounds (National parks are under the jurisdiction of Parks Canada). Burning Rules and Regulations for HRM It is important to protect your home and community...