Traffic, Weather & Utility

Todays weather for the Halifax area

A mix of sun and cloud for today and breezy with a high of 8c(!) and moderate UV. Cloudy tonight with a chance of freezing rain or rain before morning and breezy with a low of 0c...

Todays weather for the Halifax area

Mostly sunny today with a light breeze and high of 2c Clouds tonight and breezy with a low of -4c (-10c windchill)...

Vehicle fire in Dartmouth

Emergency crews are on scene of three semis on fire in the 0 – 15 block of Lansing Crt in Dartmouth. The trucks are in a compound. No other information at this time. . . . . . . . . . . –...

Todays weather for the Halifax area

A few flu starting this afternoon and breezy with a high of 2c (-13c windchill in the morning) Flurries ending this evening with a low of -9c...

Pictou County District RCMP is investigating a fatal crash that occurred in Salt Springs

**** RCMP Media Release RCMP investigates fatal crash in Salt Springs Pictou County District RCMP is investigating a fatal crash that occurred in Salt Springs. On February 20, at approximately 3:45 p.m., RCMP officers, fire services, and EHS responded to a report of an overturned vehicle in the river under Hwy. 104 near West River...

How much water is in snow?

**** Info via Environment Canada How much water is in snow? A metre of snow is a lot. But if you melted it all down, how much water would remain? The answer depends on the snow water equivalent, and it can be surprisingly small! What is snow water equivalent? The snow water equivalent is the ratio...

Todays weather for the Halifax area

Cloudy today with a breeze and high of -3c (-9c windchill) Clearing tonight with a low of -10c (-15c windchill)...

Police request the public’s assistance in a hit and run investigation

**** HRP Media Release Police request the public’s assistance in a hit and run investigation Police are requesting the public’s assistance in locating the driver involved in a hit and run that occurred in Bedford last month. On January 28 at approximately 8:20 p.m. police responded to a report of a pedestrian who had been struck by...

2025 Hurricane Season: Here Are the Storm Names

**** Via REMO Kings Cty Hurricane Season is only 100 days away 🌀 2025 Hurricane Season: Here Are the Storm Names The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30. Though rare, storms can form outside these dates. For 2025, the Atlantic storm names range from Andrea to Wendy, with Dexter replacing Dorian...

Weekly Traffic Advisories (21 Feb) 

Weekly Traffic Advisories (21 Feb)  Note: Each week the local listings are expanded and updated. During the week new and updated tasks are added. Every week a new post is started with fresh info but previous posts may be still valid ****  Municipal release Street Closure – Agricola Street Location: Agricola Street, between Almon and Ontario...