The Covid Chronicle

Four New Cases of COVID-19, One Probable Case, Nine Recoveries

**** HEALTH/WELLNESS Media Release   Four New Cases of COVID-19, One Probable Case, Nine Recoveries ———————————————- Today, July 1, Nova Scotia is reporting four new cases of COVID-19 and nine recoveries. There are three cases in Central Zone and one in Northern Zone. All are related to travel. The province is also reporting one probable...

Several of Nova Scotia Health’s primary assessment centres and public health mobile units are open on Thursday, July 1

**** NSHA Media Release Several of Nova Scotia Health’s primary assessment centres and public health mobile units are open on Thursday, July 1 to help make COVID-19 testing more accessible. Testing is open to anyone and may be particularly convenient for out-of-province visitors just arriving to Nova Scotia. The following locations will offer drop-in PCR...

Four New Cases of COVID-19, No Recoveries

**** HEALTH/WELLNESS Media Release Four New Cases of COVID-19, No Recoveries —————————————————————- Today, June 30, Nova Scotia is reporting four new cases of COVID-19 and no recoveries. Three cases are in Eastern Zone and are close contacts of previously reported cases. The other case is in Central Zone and is related to travel. There is...

Effective June 30, 2021, support people/family caregivers are permitted for patients in the following situations

**** NSHA Media Release Nova Scotia Health Visitor Restrictions Nova Scotia Health is working to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our facilities. Effective June 30, 2021, support people/family caregivers are permitted for patients in the following situations: Three designated family/primary support person(s) or family caregivers are welcomed: Palliative care and other patients nearing end of life* Patients...

In the last few months, the Nova Scotia RCMP has responded to an increased number of complaints related to home break-ins and thefts

**** RCMP Media Release The weather is warming up, COVID restrictions are lifting, and people are beginning to travel. In the last few months, the Nova Scotia RCMP has responded to an increased number of complaints related to home break-ins and thefts. If you’re planning to be away from home this summer, here are a...

New COVID-19 Case at Glace Bay Elementary

**** HEALTH/WELLNESS Media Release New COVID-19 Case at Glace Bay Elementary —————————————————————- Nova Scotia is reporting a COVID-19 case today, June 29, connected to Glace Bay Elementary in Eastern Zone. This case was reported earlier today in the COVID-19 daily numbers release and on the COVID-19 data dashboard. The school will be closed to students...

Nova Scotia Starting Third Phase of Reopening, Opening Border to Canada

**** HEALTH/WELLNESS Media Release Nova Scotia Starting Third Phase of Reopening, Opening Border to Canada ———————————————————- Premier Iain Rankin and Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia’s chief medical officer of health, announced today, June 29, that Nova Scotia will start the third phase of its reopening plan on Wednesday, June 30, including opening the border to...

One New Case of COVID-19, Seven Recoveries

**** HEALTH/WELLNESS Media Release One New Case of COVID-19, Seven Recoveries —————————————————————- Today, June 29, Nova Scotia is reporting one new case of COVID-19 and seven recoveries. The case is in Eastern Zone and is a close contact of a previously reported case. There is limited community spread in Central Zone. Eastern, Northern and Western...

Four New Cases of COVID-19, Four Recoveries

**** HEALTH/WELLNESS Media Release Four New Cases of COVID-19, Four Recoveries —————————————————————- Today, June 28, Nova Scotia is reporting four new cases of COVID-19 and four recoveries. Three cases are in Eastern Zone. Two are under investigation and the other is a close contact of a previously reported case. ​ The other case is in...

Potential exposure to COVID-19 at locations in Eastern and Central Zone

**** NSHA Media Release Potential exposure to COVID-19 at locations in Eastern and Central Zone ​ Nova Scotia Health Public Health is advising of potential exposure to COVID-19 at locations in Eastern and Central Zone. In addition to media releases, all potential exposure notifications are listed here:​ Anyone who worked at or visited the following...