The Covid Chronicle

Province to Implement COVID-19 Program to Improve Infrastructure

**** TRANSPORTATION Media Release Province to Implement COVID-19 Program to Improve Infrastructure————————————————————–To support job creation, stimulate the economy and keep Nova Scotians safe, the province will take advantage of the Government of Canada’s COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream.The new funding stream expands eligibility criteria to include health and education infrastructure. As two areas impacted by the...

No New Cases of COVID-19

**** HEALTH/WELLNESS Media Release No New Cases of COVID-19———————————————————–As of today, Oct. 15, Nova Scotia has three active cases of COVID-19. No new cases were identified Wednesday, Oct. 14.Nova Scotia Health Authority’s labs completed 907 Nova Scotia tests on Oct. 14.To date, Nova Scotia has 102,918 negative test results, 1,092 positive COVID-19 cases and 65...

COVID Alert App Available in Nova Scotia

**** HEALTH/WELLNESS Media Release COVID Alert App Available in Nova Scotia—————————————————————–Nova Scotians will be able to receive COVID-19 exposure alerts directly to their smartphones when using Health Canada’s free COVID Alert App.“As a province we have all shown a steadfast commitment to flattening the curve and keeping COVID activity low,” said Premier Stephen McNeil. “As...

New partnership to support COVID-19 testing for essential work and travel

**** NSHA Media Release New partnership to support COVID-19 testing for essential work and travel COVID-19 testing for essential work or travel purposes is being expanded in Nova Scotia. ​ Nova Scotia Health has reached an agreement with PRAXES Medical Group to support COVID-19 testing for people who require proof that they do not have...

Guidance for Trick-or-Treating and Halloween Gatherings

**** HEALTH/WELLNESS Media Release Guidance for Trick-or-Treating and Halloween Gatherings————————————————————-Government is reminding Nova Scotians of current public health guidelines and providing specific advice around Halloween as the holiday approaches.“Halloween is a fun celebration but I am concerned about parties and behaviours that would see us letting our guard down,” said Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia’s...

No New Cases of COVID-19

**** HEALTH/WELLNESS Media Release No New Cases of COVID-19—————————————————————–As of today, Oct. 14, Nova Scotia has four active cases of COVID-19. No new cases were identified Tuesday, Oct. 13.Nova Scotia Health Authority’s labs completed 401 Nova Scotia tests on Oct. 13.To date, Nova Scotia has 102,273 negative test results, 1,092 positive COVID-19 cases and 65...

WestJet announced it will be indefinitely suspending operations to Moncton, Fredericton, Sydney and Charlottetown, while significantly reducing service to Halifax and St. John’s.

**** WestJet Media Release WestJet announced it will be indefinitely suspending operations to Moncton, Fredericton, Sydney and Charlottetown, while significantly reducing service to Halifax and St. John’s. The suspension eliminates more than 100 flights weekly or almost 80 percent of seat capacity from the Atlantic region starting November 2 and also suspends operations to Quebec City, with the removal of Toronto service.  Details can be found at bottom of release. “It has...

Colon Cancer home screening kits back in the mail as program resumes after temporary suspension due to COVID-19

**** NSHA Media Release Colon Cancer home screening kits back in the mail as program resumes after temporary suspension due to COVID-19 Home screening kits for colon cancer are back in the mail after a six-month program suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mail outs were suspended the middle of March when provincial endoscopy services...

No New Cases of COVID-19

**** HEALTH/WELLNESS Media Release No New Cases of COVID-19 ————————————————————-As of today, Oct. 13, Nova Scotia has four active cases of COVID-19. No new cases were identified Monday, Oct. 12.Nova Scotia Health Authority’s labs completed 492 Nova Scotia tests on Oct. 12.To date, Nova Scotia has 101,750 negative test results, 1,092 positive COVID-19 cases and...

Three New Cases of COVID-19

**** HEALTH/WELLNESS Media Release Three New Cases of COVID-19——————————————————————–As of today, Oct. 10, Nova Scotia has five active cases of COVID-19. Three new cases were identified Friday, Oct. 9.The three new cases are in the Central Zone. Two of the cases are related to travel outside of Canada, and the third is a close contact...